Chapter 43

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"Florence kissed me," Claude told Raoul, who stared at him with an apathetic expression.

"I mean, isn't that normal for couples?" Raoul asked, narrowing his eyes. "Like, out in public and shit right? Didn't you two agree on that?"

"We did but it wasn't in public!" he exclaimed and sighed as he still felt confused and frustrated by yesterday. He got off the couch and joined the rest in the kitchen where they were already preparing to make the sushi. Claude did notice that Florence acted a little flustered around him but not enough for Sydney and Raoul to notice. "It was before you two came. I was lying half asleep on the couch and I think that he thought that I was sleeping and he kissed me! But I don't know why!"

Raoul stared at him hugging Haru as his expression didn't change. "You really don't know why?" he asked as Claude looked up at him with a teary expression while Haru was looking at the both of them.

Claude shook his head as he petted Haru with a depressed face. "If I did, I wouldn't be here right now. I don't know if he actually likes me or just acts as he does," he said, groaning loudly. "And I know that he won't confess even if I push him a little!"

He sat next to him and put his hand on Claude's shoulder. "You two like each other. Romantically," Raoul stated as Haru hopped back to Raoul.

"Like?" Claude whispered as he zoned out into space. "He... likes me? Are you sure about it?"

"I mean, Syd and I already knew that this was going to happen last year, and his behavior since last December made it clearer," he replied as he petted the bunny sleeping on his lap. "Sydney can vouch for me too. Sydney!" They didn't get a response from Raoul's bedroom. "He must be sleeping."

Claude glanced at the hall. "How did you two get together?" he asked. "I thought that you were talking to someone in our class."

"They didn't interest me that much," Raoul shrugged. "And my relationship with Sydney only became a thing this year. You could've seen it coming if you weren't only in Florence's business."

"It's not like I only talk about him," Claude scoffed as Raoul thought back how Claude liked to bring Florence into their convos. Claude sighed again and tossed his hair back. "Well, congrats for being together with Sydney I guess. How does it feel to date a famous singer? Do you already have a million followers on insta? Did your family expose you already?"

Raoul shook his head with a look of disbelief. "Nah bro are you crazy? I immediately put my account on private when we got together and I didn't tell my family shit yet cause I know they're gonna start making homophobic remarks again when they know that Sydney's a guy," he said. "I wouldn't know how it is with his family but I don't have a rush to meet them. Only when he's ready."

"I'll pray for you that they aren't racist," Claude half-joked which made Raoul snort.

"From what I heard, there's a tiny chance. We both got lucky this time," Raoul chuckled.

After talking to Raoul a little longer than he expected, he took his route back home and stopped at a grocery store to buy some stuff to make for dinner and dessert.

He put the full grocery bag on the kitchen island and put some extra things away in the fridge. He put on some music and started singing along while he was cleaning the shrimps he bought.

"Claude, I'm home!" Florence said, closing the door. He didn't get a response from Claude but heard some upbeat music playing from the kitchen. He took his shoes off and wondered what Claude was doing at the sounds of rapid footsteps going with the beat. "Claude?"

"Un recuerdo, para siempre~- Oh shit," Claude cursed as he got startled by Florence who was watching him dance. He smirked as he brushed his hair away out of his eyes. "Enjoying the show?" he asked.

Florence's eyes widened as he averted eye contact. "O-Oh, I just came home and heard the music playing," he babbled while flailing with his arms. "I'll be streaming in two hours and I wondered what you were doing during it."

Claude dried his arms and tossed the towel on the counter. "I'll join your stream if you'll dance with me," he smirked and bowed with his hand out. "Florence Carter, will you have this dance with me?"

His heart skipped a beat as he blushed when Claude looked up at him again. "B-But I don't know how to," Florence stuttered and glanced at the counter which was full of ingredients ready to cook. "And aren't you making dinner right now?"

Claude glanced at the stove which was turned off and pulled Florence to him. "I can always make some time to dance." He put Florence's arm on his shoulder and put his hand on Florence's neck. The next song started playing and Claude grabbed his other hand and held it up. "I'll teach you the basics, for now, sunshine. Follow me~," he smiled and started counting the steps out loud as Florence followed him with a serious expression.

"Claude?" he called.

"What's up?" Claude said and twirled him around.

Florence got pulled back against Claude's chest and felt his face heat up again. "Is this dance supposed to be so... sexual?" he whispered as Claude let out a laugh.

"Of course, baby. I'll show you a video later, alright?" he smiled as Florence grumbled for not telling him about it. "You should be happy that I didn't tell you to wear a pair of heels and a dress for me." Claude furrowed his eyebrows as Florence looked confused at him. "Glad I didn't do that. I wouldn't be able to keep my hands to myself if I saw you dressed like that."

The song got interrupted by someone calling and Florence squirmed out of Claude's grip. "Call me when dinner's ready!" Florence said with a bright red face and scurried off to his room.

Claude blinked as he saw Florence get in his room and looked at the person calling him. When he saw that it was Soraya, he pressed decline and continued making dinner with a pouty expression.

A/N I STARTED DRAWING AND DEADASS FORGOT TO UPLOAD THE CHAPTER- it won't happen again... I hope. AND I'M GOING TO DUTCH COMIC CON THIS WEEK AND MEET UP WITH A BUNCH OF FRIENDS POG!!! But that's Sunday so I still have a week to laze around. Maybe I'll go out and try tsukemen for the first time tomorrow but that depends on my mood. Well, next week we'll finally start with the plot again slowly and we'll see how Claude will tackle this new shit. I'll continue drawing and don't kill mice


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