Chapter 45

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"Thanks for coming along with me today," Raoul smiled. "You kept me a little sane while I was stressing, one way or another."

"Don't mention it," he replied with a grin. "Aren't you joining us for dinner? I'm making beef wellington by Flory's request."

Raoul shook his head and glanced at his phone. "Nah, maybe next time. Sydney wants to go out soon and I'll definitely run late if I go inside with you. He's already blowing up my phone," he sighed and saw that Sydney was calling him again. "I'll talk to you later, man."

"Have fun~," Claude said and watched Raoul drive off. He dialed Florence's number as he went up to their apartment. He frowned when Florence didn't pick up his phone. "That's weird, he would be at home right now," he thought and reached the top floor. Claud went to grab his keys but didn't feel them in his pocket. "Ah, shit," he muttered as he started patting himself down.

He rang the door a few times with the hope that Florence was already home. After a few seconds, Claude heard the door fumbling and saw an out of breath Florence wearing one of Claude's hoodies he "borrowed" a while ago.

"C-Claude?!" Florence exclaimed with a flushed face. "Did you forget your keys?"

Claude glanced down the hall to see if anyone saw them and pushed Florence back inside. "I must've forgotten them when I went to school this morning. But that isn't important right now." He pushed Florence against the wall as he lifted his face, forcing him to make eye contact. "What were you doing before I disturbed you? Care to show?"

Florence averted eye contact as he gripped the edge of the oversized hoodie he was wearing. "N-Nothing!" he shouted as his face got redder by the second. He didn't want to admit that he was practicing some dances for his upcoming stream. "I thought that I had more time before he came home," he thought and lightly pushed Claude off of him. "Can you move? I'm going to take a shower."

He didn't respond and looked down at what Florence was wearing. He lifted the hoodie and saw that Florence was wearing some shorts under it. "Oh," Claude muttered, ignoring Florence's inaudible scream. "So it wasn't anything like that..."

"Like what, huh?" Florence asked with an angry expression. His face didn't cool off when he saw Claude making some inappropriate questions. A chill ran down his spine as Claude trailed his cold fingers up his leg. "Claude, stop," he whispered as Claude hummed against his neck. "We can't do this here."

"We'll continue in your room then~," Claude smirked as Florence's eyes widened when he thought back at what he said.

"W-Wait! That wasn't what I meant-" Florence squirmed out of Claude's grip when he heard his ringtone in the living room. He answered the phone as he tried to fix his hair. "Hello?" he said as Florence saw Claude go to the kitchen with an irritated expression on his face.

"I'll be there in half an hour."

Florence furrowed his eyebrows. "Adrian? Are you serious?" he asked. It has been a while since he saw his brother's face. Adrian did tell everyone that he was going on a business trip but Florence had a feeling that there was something else that he was busy with.

"Yes," Adrian answered and ended the call.

"What..." Florence whispered and went to the kitchen. "Claude, Adrian will be here soon," he said as Claude let out a depressing sigh.

"So he was the one that interrupted us," Claude said as he started chopping the mushrooms more violently. "And there I thought that he finally forgot about you. Is he only coming to check up on you?"

Florence shrugged as he curiously watched all the mushrooms getting into tiny bits. "I suppose. Maybe he has something important to say," he replied.

He glanced at Florence and chuckled. "Maybe you should change your clothes then," Claude smirked, nodding at what he was wearing. "I don't think he would like to see his little brother in another man's clothes."

"Yeah," he mumbled and quickly went to his room to shower.

Twenty minutes later, Florence walked back to the kitchen in his oversized clothes and put his glasses on. He put his glasses on and saw Claude trying to roll everything in pastry. "Is he already here?" Florence asked and Claude shook his head.

"Nope," he replied and pinched everything together. "We still have ten minutes left before he'll be here. Hey, do you have that fancy cutting thing," Claude asked as he showed him an example from a video he was watching.

"If it isn't in one of the drawers, I don't have it," Florence said, making Claude look at his raw pastry with sad eyes. "Maybe I can ask Adrian to buy one before he gets here."

"Buy what?" They turned their heads at Adrian who entered without them noticing. He went up to Flory who still looked at him baffled and put his hand on his shoulder. "How have you been, Florence?" he smiled.

"Where have you been all this time?!" Florence demanded as he slapped Adrian's hand away. "It's been months since I've seen your face, let alone hear from you and now you want to show up and act as if nothing happened?!"

"Florence, calm down," Adrian said as Claude thought about how cute Florence looks when he's mad. "I really didn't have a choice! I've been flying across the world these past months cleaning up our dad's mess," he explained and pinched the bridge of his nose. "And I got a little sidetracked this past month with someone."

That caught Florence's attention. "Who? Do I know them?" he asked but Adrian shook his head.

"I planned to hire him to become your bodyguard but he kept declining," Adrian answered. "After all that drama with that weird, ugly guy you model with, I wanted to search for a bodyguard to accompany you all the time. God knows when there'll be someone else taking out-of-context pictures of you or even worse stalking you."

"Speaking of that, at the vet today there was a guy who said that they know you since high school," Claude butted in, making the brothers turn to him confused. "He was the one who noticed me but it was pretty weird, to be honest. He said that his name was Raymond-"

"RAYMOND?!" they both yelled with bewildered expressions.

A/N did y'all see the new cover? I finally fucking finished it. It isn't the best out there but it's better than the one I first had. AND I WON MY 50/50 ON THE VENTI AND AYATO BANNER and I got wgs on standard... Diluc where are you pls... I swear I'll never get that bitch. But fuck that though, till next week. I wanna draw some tits and don't kill mice


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