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Shock coursed through my body. I had been around this man all my life yet I never picked up the subtle yet obvious hints. My eyes are as big as planets and I can't stop myself from staring at this man.

His salt and pepper hair hasn't changed since I last saw him and the heart-shaped smile brought warmth to my heart.

"Hello, my sweet flower."

My eyes stung and the lump in my throat stopped me from talking. I stood there frozen, confused, and unsure of how to take this. Yet the thoughts that flooded my head were cleared when a large hand settles itself on the small of my back to push me forward. I look up to the owner of the hand to find Tae smiling at me as if to reassure me that everything was ok. But how could it be? I had lived under the same roof as my mother, father, and the demon that claims to be my father. It felt wrong that I had assumed that this man was nothing but a man who worked for the devil.

"It's ok, flower, I won't hurt you."

My head whips around to meet his gaze, "I would never think you would hurt me. I'm just upset with myself."

He chuckles, "And why would that be? You have done nothing wrong."

I'm astounded. How could he say that? I didn't know he was my father, I left him to deal with that demon, devil, dickward of a man because his 'daughter' had run away.

He watches my face with curiosity, "I know what you are thinking. You have done nothing wrong. I posed as one of Mr. Lee's men to keep a close eye on you and your mother. Obviously, when the war between our two gangs broke out I had to go into hiding and help from the sideline. Trust me when your mother passed I was just about ready to rip Lee's to shreds but I had to remain silent to watch over you, my little flower. It would kill me to see you hurt too."

The tears already spilled over before I rushed over to engulf him into a hug.  Through the sniffles, I managed to say two words that only begin to explain how grateful I was.

"Thank you."

He chuckled again. The rumble of the sound comforts me as I hugged him closer.

Yet we all know that saying 'All good things must come to an end' or whatever. So the moment was obviously interrupted by the loud bang of the door and Suga heaving trying to catch his breath.

"We've got a problem."

I huff and turn around to him, "When don't we?!"


Hey guys, 

I know I haven't updated any of my stories in so long but my parents kinda blocked Wattpad on my devices...But it's ok! Cause I got it back and I'll try to keep updating as much as possible :)

I'm actually super surprised 2.2K has read this so that's pretty cool haha.

Sorry again and enjoy lovelies :)

Mochi out x

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