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The next morning I am awoken by the slobbery licks across my face, forcing my nose to scrunch up.

"Mingiiiiii, do you miiiind."

I hear a chorus of laughter scaring me as I fling my eyes open. Everyone was awake, standing around the room, surrounding me on the couch. Mingi sits proudly in front of me, completely fine with the many stitches that zigzag across his stumpy body. I chuckle and pull the dog into my embrace before looking back up to the boys crowding us.


"Good Morning Sweetheart. How did you sleep?"

I nod my head and get up off the couch, "Pretty well, Can we eat breakfast?"

"Mmm, we need to talk to you about what we plan to do next over breakfast, come and sit down with the rest of us."

A heavy silence sets upon the house and the steady footsteps of each of us echo through it. We all take a seat at the long table, the mood the complete opposite of the night before.

"So, Y/N, we were talking about how we are to go about this note that was found in your apartment. We decided to first try a decoy, and if that doesn't work we are going to have to move to a safe house in case of a gang war."

"How does that sound to you?"

I almost choked on the eggs Jin had made, "Wait, there could a gang war?"

They nod their heads in unison but it was Taehyung that was the first to speak.

"It may start a gang war but you are far too important to hand over, we will find someone to stand in for you instead. We all noticed that the note never stated who they were hoping for which meant it could possibly be anyone that can stand in for you."

I scrunch my nose and close my eyes while processing the information. Jeez, why do they always have to overload me with info?

"Okay, how do we start?"

"Well, our precious Y/N, you will start with some basic training with Jimin and Jungkook while the rest of us work on finding your stand-in."

I take a couple of gulps of the orange juice in front of me, listening to the instructions carefully.

"Your training starts in 30 minutes, hurry up and eat."

I spit all my juice out, all over my food, "WHAT!"


Hey sorry, it has been a while since I last updated. I have to say though, there have been more people reading it which is really cool. I know that it is only a little amount but still lol.

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