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They quite literally came in guns blazing. The sounds of bullets ricocheted off the walls followed by cusses and shouts from all sides.

The men were dressed all in black, a red leather jacket resting on their shoulders with vine and thorn patches swirling up the arms. Each man had a slick silver handgun securely in their hands, a think knife strapped onto their chests. They all look like clones, lined up in a line all guns pointing at our men. 

The silence was so loud that my head was ringing. Both gangs were as still as statues, their eyes locked on each other. The sudden screech of shoes broke the still lines as they each ran towards one another, the guns going off left right and centre. I ran to duck behind the nearest object, a couch sitting between me and the splatters of blood across the marble floor.

I reach under the couch, feeling around for an object, a weapon of any kind. I'm too out in the open, I'm too unprotected as I sit here on the floor of the living room, surrounded by the battles for my life. Continuing to feel around and end up grasping onto something cold. I try pulling it towards me to find a silver handgun with all it's bullets.

I peak up over the couch, half the men on the Red jacket's side are on the ground drowning in puddles of crimson. On my family side, I find a couple of bodies being pulled to the side with injuries but Y/N's Angels stand tall in the middle fighting off that pig of a man's minions.

I yeet myself over the couch and rush into the middle shooting bullets directly at the heads of each of the men. Scurrying forward I yank out all the knifes hidden in the sheaths strapped to the chests of the fallen men. I throw myself back behind the couch and sneak a look at the current battle. I had managed to take out two of the men and injured another three but my efforts didn't seem to cause that big of a dent in the opposing gang's attack as more and more of them push through the doors.

The heartbeat in my throat made my hands sweat and and my chest contrict. Tae and hobi hid behind a table off to the side, popping up one after the other to let off rounds of shots, their faces set in anger and concentration. 

Jumping up, I start firing off the knives I collected landing each and everyone between the red jacket's eyes leaving blood trickling down their faces. I throw knife after knife until I kill off a big handful of the opponents only to be interrupted by a strong hand covering my mouth. 


Sup lovelies!

UM WTF 7.3k reads??? What craziness is this?? I wanna cry I'm so glad so many people are reading my storyyyyy.

Let me know if there is anything I can improve :)

Also unedited lmao

Love you alllllllll xx

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