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The next couple of days go by fast. I am mostly sleeping in the back seat with Mingi curled up on my lap. We only stopped to sleep or fuel up and my legs were starting to cramp up in the same position from sitting down for so long. Tae and I had gotten closer, I mean not as close as Jin or Hobi but we are close.

"Hey, you never explained to me why you call me princess? 'Cause I think I'm the least 'princess-y' girl you'll ever find."

I laugh at my self as I look at Tae for an explanation. He has spent most of the days with me, refusing to rotate through like the rest of us.

"Well, I kinda just started saying it really... I mean you are also technically the heir of this gang so you are the princess in that sense."

I rolled my eyes, "Could you call me something else?"

He chuckles, "Yeah? Like what? annoying 18 yr old?"

I huff in frustration, of course, he would say something like that. He seems to like teasing me more and more we get to know each other.

"I don't know, just could you not call me that. I don't think I am a princess at all"

He chuckles again, there is that laugh of his, it fills the car and rattles my brain as he teasingly mocks me.

"Whatever you say, Princess."

I grumble at his childishness and aggressively turn away from him, forcing my body to sleep.

I was awoken hours later by Jimin who sat in the passenger seat next to Namjoon.

"Y/N love, I'm getting us food. What do you want?"

"Um, I'm not sure. Just get me something that isn't greasy...

or sugary...

or carby...

or full of dairy...

or too much meat."

Taehyung laughs, "That definitely proves my point from earlier Princess. You are such a picky eater, the name is definitely sticking if you prefer to eat vegetables over the easiest option."

I growl low at him before throwing the closest thing at him, which just happened to be a heavy book that landed right in the middle of his forehead.

"Don't be mean, I just have a sore tummy."

He laughs harder, "You are not helping your case, Princess."

I roll my eyes and look back at Jimin, "Can you just get me a bottle of water and a piece of fruit."

He gives me a big smile before leaving the car to collect food for the rest of us.

Guess I'm stuck with the Princess nickname.

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