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I wake up with my eyes filled with sleep and my head pounding like I was hungover. What happened last night? The room around me is different from the one that we had been staying at for the past two-three weeks (honestly time seems to have been mashed together). It was plain white, the bed: plain, the floor: plain, the windows: plain. It was just plain. 

A knock on the door dragged my attention to the only color in the room, a pastel pink door that was covered in stickers, some half peeled off. I look closer towards a small shadow in the corner of the room to find a plush toy, shaped like a dog. 

"DogDog? Is that you?"

I get off the bed and walk closer towards the plush toy to find a childhood friend that I had lost years ago. The dog toy had lost its form since I last snuggled him and he started to smell musky from sitting in the dark for so long. But the color of the toy had held, the creme-brown 'fur' and dark brown nose still felt as soft as the day I lost him.

"No Princess it's your Prince, I do not know of this 'Dogdog' you speak of."

I turn around to the door to find Tae leaning against the frame with a soft smile on his face. I run towards him and show him the toy.

"This was my teddy as a child, why is it sitting in this room?"

He walked over to the bedside table and picked up a framed photo that was sitting undisturbed before walking back over and showing me. It was a photograph of a young girl at around 3 or 4 years old. She had a huge smile on her face and DogDog clutched under her arm.

"It is your room, Princess"

I look up from the photo, "What do you mean?"

He grabbed ahold of my hand and placed the photo frame down on the bed, "Come, there is someone I want you to meet."

He pulled me out the door and down the stairs into another room off the side. The wasn't massive but it wasn't small, this room however was the biggest in the entire house. In the middle sat a large oval table, the guys sat around it, sitting in between men who were much older than ourselves. Photographs cover the walls of landmarks and warehouses, blueprints are scattered across the table.

A man beside Hobi stands up and walks towards us with a broad heart-shaped smile.

Tae speaks from behind me, "Y/N, I want you to meet someone."

The realization hit me like a train and my eyes widen when they meet the eyes of the man in front of me. Memories rush through my mind suddenly and tears flood my eyes.

There stood the man that had been around me for so many years of my life. He gave me my first tattoo! His broad smile resembled Hobis and his eyes reminded me of my own.

"Hello Y/N, I'm your father Jung Min-ho."


Hello Beautiful!

Woah I updated twice in one day! I hope you enjoy it!

Please check out my other book! I really want some people to read it!

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