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The next 7 days went by fast. I was either eating, sleeping, or training and sometimes it was a mixture of all three. The household was constantly busy as we prepared for what was to come in three days. Taehyung had finally found someone to stand-in for me, he won't tell me how he found them just that he found someone. I also have been non-stop trying to help the boys with whatever I can (even though they barely let me do anything) and I have almost mastered the use of knives in a fight.

At the moment we all sit around the clean living room, Taehyung explaining the plans clearly before we can put them into play.

"So we need to make sure Y/N is here with all bags and necessities ready to make our way to the lodge out three towns over. Does that make sense?"

Hoseok was the only one to but in, "Who will stay with her? You haven't really explained the positions Tae."

The realization washed over his face as he pulls out another piece of paper, labeling each position with names and colors. 

"SO! Jungkook, Namjoon, and Yoongi. You'll all obviously need to come along with me to make sure the exchange runs smoothly and Namjoon we need something to alert the others straight away if something goes wrong.

Jin, I need you on standby as we don't know how this exchange will go down. I'm hoping that we can stay in a van a few blocks down from the Lee residence but nothing is ever set in stone.

This leaves Hoseok and Jimin to protect Y/N and help pack up the house, I'm starting to think that leaving town should just happen anyway as her father is honestly a bit of a psycho.  I would advise taking one of the more inconspicuous vehicles for the trip. Also Hoseok, we will need you to set each of us up with a weapon before leaving the house.

I think that's about everything. Any questions?"

I raise my hand, feeling like a kindergartener again, "What are we going to do for the next three days?"

"We obviously train and make sure all our bases are covered, there cannot be any room for error or we will most likely end up in war and I don't have much information on this gang. They are very new to the scene so that makes them dangerous, we don't know anything about their allies, manpower or behaviors so we all need extra training."

"But you aren't even leaving the van? And why am I doing all this training? I'm not even leaving the household unless I'm with at least one of you guys."

"I'm glad you asked that question Y/N,

It's so you're faster at packing."

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