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It's mid-afternoon and the guys are acting strange, constantly hurrying in and out of the office. The secrets that the heavy oak door is hiding must be seriously important. I've spent most of the day with Jimin and Jungkook, I apparently need to learn how to protect myself and knives won't cut it.

(A/N: Lol I didn't mean to make a pun but it works)

"Kookie, is there something wrong?"

"With your stance? Yes, widen your feet so you don't get pushed over so easily."

I huff and follow his instructions, "No, I mean is there something wrong with the guys? Everyone seems on edge."

"Do I seem on edge?"

"Well... not really."

"See, nothing wrong."

I grumble and we continue the training session until the sun has gone way past the horizon and the moon hangs silently in the dark blanket of a sky. Jin calls us all to dinner, everyone sitting at the long rectangular table, black cushioned chairs surrounding it's outside. Tae sits at the head of the table and the rest of us scramble for a spot on the sides, directly in front of the food.

Halfway through eating I finally ask again, "Is there something wrong?"

Someone chokes on their food and Jin tries to calm my raging mind, "N-no sweetheart why would you think that?"

"You're all on edge, somethings up. Are we in trouble?"

Tae holds my hand and looks me in my eyes, "You don't need to concern yourself with anything besides your training Y/N. I promise to always protect you."

It goes quiet again, but he doesn't let go of my hand as we continue to eat in silence. If I don't get my answer now, I'll ask him again later.

The night goes by in a blur and I feel like I fell asleep straight after I had finished eating. My body was taken up stairs to my room and a quiet voice whispers in my ear,

"We'll finally be complete tomorrow, just you wait."


Hello Beautifuls!

Thank you all so much for reading this book! I hope you're enjoying it. I am sorry it takes me so long to update it though haha.

I also wanted to ask if you could give some love to my other book "They breed like Rabbits", I wanna know if the story line is as good as I hope it to be (It's basically dystopic book where everyone has to wear masks).

Anyways Enjoy and until next time!

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