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His greasy hair is slicked back against his skull and the white button-down he's wearing is covered in food stains. His teeth look like they're about to fall out of his head and his eyes are bloodshot.

"Good to see you again Spark, you're looking as shitty as ever!"

He chuckles shaking his head before grabbing me by the shirt and throwing me out of the room. Spark is Mr Lee's little errand boy. He is a drug addict that Lee picked up off the streets and gave him a job. He only ever gets paid in Coke and crack but that's all Spark ever wants so it's a win-win for the both of them.

"Get in the car, and don't be a bitch this time. I really don't want to deal with your shit today."

I roll my eyes and follow the hallway out to the front door. I know if I run, Spark will probably try to shoot me. But do I really want to go to that pig of a man just to be killed? If I run, I can get back to the boys, I can get back to Hobi and Tae and my actual, loving father.

 But then again, when does an opportunity like this ever come around? To be taken into the enemy fortress, to be face to face with the enemy and given the chance to actually kill them once and for all. Maybe I could get something out of this!

I let out a loud huff and throw myself into the back seat of the black SUV that sat waiting for us. Spark slides in beside me and the two bodyguards in the front start driving towards my 'childhood' home. 

"So where are we going?"

"Y/N that's a stupid question, you know exactly where we are going."

I chuckle, "I know you're stupid but you don't have to brand everyone else the same."

He growls at me.

"Woah there buddy, I didn't know you were part animal too."

He pulls a gun out and directly points it at my face just as we pulled into the underground garage of Mr Lee's residence.

I chuckle, "It's not very nice to put guns in women's faces."

He growls again, "Will you shut up? If not I'll kill you right here right now."

Wow, this Spark doesn't get it, "I mean you could kill me but Mr Lee would probably kick you back onto the street. No more drugs for you little Spark."

He lets out a roar of frustration before pulling the trigger, to which I simply push his hand to the side, causing a bullet to land in the back of the driver's head. I reach back into my bra and pull the knife out of its hiding place and peg it straight into the other bodyguard's forehead.

Spark lets out another scream of frustration and anger, going to shoot again. I grab the base of the gun and push it out of his hands to flip the situation. Now he was the one with a gun in his face.

"Come on now Y/N, don't do this."

I let out a sign, "You're sick Spark, you have been for a while. At least I'm letting finally rest after such a traumatic life."

I pull the trigger and watch as his body slumps against the window. Good night greasy hair Spark, I hope you find the peace you need. 


WOAH Double update!!!

Just showing my appreciation for you lovely people :)



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