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My latest tattoo showed the struggles of my life as it winded up my arm. In the centre of the cherry blossoms and patterns swam two little fish, one black, the other green but both koi fish. The piece really was beautiful and I never like to cover it up so I can see the little black fish that represented my mental and physical struggles through this world. I was 17 when I got that tattoo and I still adore it.

I've got other little tattoos here and there, most of them hidden, but today I was going to get something a little bigger. I push open the door to the tattoo parlour, a long desk running along the lefthand side of the shop. There were little Polaroid photos all over the shop walls and numerous plants in random corners of the parlour. I walk up to the man on the desk, faking a cough to get his attention. He looks up from the book on the desk and smiles at me.

"What can I do for you today?"

I smiled at his polite persona, "A medium-sized tattoo on my leg or back please."

He nodded his head before walking out the back. I could hear little whispers down the hall as he brings another person back with him. The second man looks up at me, his blonde hair falling in front of his eyes. I smile slightly at him as the two men walk behind the desk.

"Hello, I'm Hoseok, I run this establishment. What kind of Tattoo were you looking for today?"

"Nice to meet you, I was wondering if you could do a snake tattoo. I thought maybe on my leg or back but whatever you decide is best."

He nods and turns back to the first man and whispers in his ear again before looking at me.

"I'll have Jimin here do it for you, would you like the tattoo in colour or traditional Black and White?"

I thought for a moment before shrugging, "Jimin can choose."

Both of the men's eyes widen slightly before smiling and heading me towards one of the rooms. I sit down on the large black leather chair, the material already sticking to me. Hoseok leaves the room after a few more whispers to Jimin as he prepares the tools. A couple of minutes later he comes over to me with a sketch.

"That's beautiful!" 

He chuckles and nods before placing it to the side again.

"I was thinking of doing it on your upper right thigh."

I approve and get myself ready for the tattoo. He places the sheet on my leg, it already looked good and he hadn't even started. 

The first few minutes were the worst but as it went on the sting dulled and it was finished in a couple of hours. I stood up and checked it in the mirror,  black and red snakes intertwined, the detail in the scales and tails amazed me. A small tear fell from my eye, her favourite animal was a snake, and I'm sure my mother would adore this masterpiece. I turned around to Jimin and thanked him profusely until he started yelling at me so he could keep it clean.

He called in Hoseok to check on it, a special ointment was already smeared across my leg, Jimin just had to seal it with plastic wrap. Hoseok tumbled in through the door and sprinted towards me, looking down at the tattoo on my leg. He chuckled before turning around and giving Jimin the thumbs up.

"This looks amazing! I'm so proud of this boy." He pulled Jimin into a tight headlock.

I giggled at their silly behaviour, "You two seem really close, it's cute."

They both nodded before Jimin tightly wrapped my leg up and sent me outside to Hoseok. I waved goodbye to both of them before walking home after a long day.

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