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He pulls me by my arm as we start to get deeper in the water. He flips himself onto his back and pulls me close as we swim together.

"I wanna show one of my favorite places but we have to do a little bit of swimming to get there. Do you wanna go?"

I nod my head vigorously as he chuckles at my eagerness. He slips my arms around his neck and gives me a soft kiss on the forehead.

"Well then, hold on tight."

He starts to pull us along at a fast pace while he hums a soft tune. I rest my head on his chest and enjoy the water as it moves around us. The distance between us and the rest of the Boys grows bigger until we can no longer see them. That was when Taehyung stops in front of some trees. The branches dangle forward and the leaves were of all different greens and oranges. He swims towards it and pulls back some of the branches to show a hidden nook in the bank.

On the bank a large tree twisted across it to create a small seat, a little waterfall flows from multiple areas and into the lake. Small bushes of flowers and berries surround the bank and little birds play amongst the branches. I sigh at the view, it was truly the definition of serene.

A/N Taehyung can touch the bottom BTW, however, Y/N cannot just remember that for later in the chapter

I look over the Taehyung who was staring at me with a big smile plastered on his face.

"What's wrong?"

He chuckles and shakes his head, "I'm just admiring the scenery."

I smile bright and look back at the bank, "It truly is beautiful, I can't believe you brought me here."

"I was talking about you Y/N."

My breath catches in my throat as I turn to face him again, "You're so cheesy, and ClIcHe!."

I splash him, getting chuckles in return, making my cheeks grow redder by the second.

The water surrounding us feels cold and sudden goosebumps cover my arms when I look at his gorgeous face. Lust, and desire coat his expression. He slowly moves his hand towards my cheek before leaning in to kiss me. The kiss was intense and full of emotions as his lips move against mine.

He bites my lip and slips his tongue into my mouth, exploring it. I let out a little moan when he grabs onto my arse, making him stop in surprise. I whine at the loss of contact but stop when I notice he looks guilty and frustrated.

"What's wrong?"

He leans his forehead against mine, "Y/N, I know I said I'll wait for your answer but I'm a little impatient. I'm sorry."

He quickly looks down before I can respond.

I shake my head, "No, if I didn't want it I would have stopped you. You did nothing wrong."

"Y/N I like you."

I smile, "I think I like you too."

He lifts his head up, looking at me in shock making me chuckle.


I smile and nod making him kiss me passionately before spinning me around and trapping my body against his.

"There is no holding back now Princess."

A/N here, sorry just need to let you know that there will be some SMUT if you continue to read on so innocent readers please move along otherwise read at your own risk lolololol. Anyways enjoy bbys

Taehyung shifts behind me and slides his large hands done the front of my swimsuit. He stops at my crotch and slowly creates a circular movement around my clothed clit while he covers my neck in sloppy kisses. I move my hand up and cover my mouth only to have him remove it and move it behind his neck. His fingers dance across my clothed pussy before he slowly slips it underneath the fabric and thrusting one finger into me.

"Moan out loud baby, no one can hear you but me."

He continues to slowly increase his pace before inserting another finger making my whole body shiver at the sensation. He starts to trail kisses up my neck, pulling my swimwear aside to allow himself to get better access.

He yanks down the strap to reveal my right breast, his large hand covering it completely as he starts to kneed it, flicking the nipple between his fingers. I couldn't hold back anymore as moans start spilling from my mouth the pleasure becoming overwhelming.

"Does it feel good Princess? Am I making you feel good?"

I nod my head, closing my eyes, and tilting my head back onto his shoulder.

"Words baby, use your words."

He continues to leave a mixture of kisses and hickeys on my neck, smiling at the sound of my gasps.

"G-god Taehyung, yes... Keep going."

He chuckles, "Do you want more?"

He smashes another finger inside making me scream out in pleasure. He increases his speed making the endless moans and breathless gasps fall from my mouth. Before I could realize, an overwhelming feeling starts to wash over me as I continue to scream his name.

"I think your about to cum Princess."

I whine making him thrust his fingers faster while he licks long stripes up my neck. I feel exploding sensation in my stomach as I release into the water, screaming out his name.


He bites my ear before growling into it, "Did you like that? You're a little naughty princess."

I giggle as I turn around and give him a long kiss, slightly sighing into it.

"I really like you Kim Taehyung."

"I really like you too, Lee Y/N."


Aaaaaah First Smut chapter of the book also Tripple update Woah.

Hope you all enjoy and please let me know if there is anything I should improve or add :)

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