Nice Try

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A bit cliche isn't it? Finding myself bound to a chair with a cloth stuffed into my mouth when I wake. AGAIN!

It's your typical white room, a black camera nestled in the corner point towards the center of the room. A big silver sits directly in line with me, a long metal bench right beside it. Honestly, you can tell what they use this for. From the small stains to the dried blood the cleaners missed.

Your typical torture chamber. Nice going 'Dad'.

Wow Y/N, you always manage to get into the best of situations. At least this time, I have a knife stowed away in my bra. Only problem, trying to get the goddam thing out! I pushed my boob up with my arm, a quick struggle to spit out the cloth stuffed into my mouth allows me to lean down and bite the hilt of the knife that rests in the side of my bra.

Pulling it out, I drop it onto my leg and let it slide onto the side of the chair before I strain my hands to reach for it. I managed to grab it before slicing through the zip ties that bound my wrists and feet to the stupid chair. I inspect myself for any injuries, only finding my wrists and ankles covered in a layer of blood and swollen angry skin from the bindings.

The sound of rustling outside the door made me jump. I shoved the knife back into its place and clasp my hands behind my back just as that large metal door creaked open. A young man walked in, only about 16, with a tray of food.

"I've come with dinner for you Miss."

"Why are you keeping me here?"

"Boss' orders Miss, don't worry no one is going to hurt you."

I roll my eyes, "Suuuure, your boss hasn't just been chasing me for the past month or so. He's so not going to kill me."

"No Miss, he won't. Mr Lee wishes to do that himself."

I burst out into laughter, "That fat man wouldn't be able to land a single blow on me. He's dreaming if he thinks he'll be able to kill me!"

The boy stays quiet, staring at me. 

"Here is your food, someone will come collect you for Mr Lee in an hour."

"Sure thing mate. Have a nice life!"

He nods, placing the tray down on the metal bench beside the massive silver door. They obviously know I'm out of my bindings. I step up and walk towards the tray, an array of fruits and sweets greet me, bright colours and all. I bring a piece of strawberry to my nose, taking a quick smell. A sweet scent explodes through my senses but there is something else, something horrid behind it, like a rotten smile mixed with garlic. It is mostly covered by the sweet strawberry scent but it's still there. 

I place the food back on the tray and return to that stupid chair in the middle of the room. Nice try boss man. Poisoning my food ain't gonna work on me. I've had that too many times to know when someone is trying to kill me with food. 

I sit on this stupid chair and carve little swirls in the wood of the seat with the knife. It wasn't until I have finished carving half the seat with the swirls when the door slammed open again. 

"Get up little Y/N, we are going home."


Ummm what the actual TATA! 9.3K???? Ya'll are amazing! 

Please let me know if there is anything you want me to improve or change! This is honestly the furthest I've gotten with any of my stories on here. I hope you're enjoying it!!


mochiXmint 😘

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