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We all stood there in the messy living room trying to make sense of the current situation

"Can we clean up my dog first? Then we can sort out the note?"

The boys all agree with me and we take Mingi outside to the massive, custom, black ute (utility vehicle) with a long cargo tray. I rushed over and softly placed the injured dog down in the back before yanking the first aid kit out of Taehyung's hands and ripping it open. Jin came up beside me and started collecting items out of the box before starting to help with the wounds.

Each time I try to fix up a wound Mingi would let out a low whimper, making my emotions run ramped. I was shaking as I applied the cleaner, causing it to spill all over the tray.  I didn't notice I was crying until the droplets were hitting Mingi in the face. He slightly lifted his head to look at me, giving my hands long and slow licks to try to reassure me but only drives me to hunch over the injured dog and start to bawl my eyes out.

"I'm so sorry bub, I wasn't there for you. You got hurt."

A large hand was placed on the small of my back, startling me. I look over my shoulder to see Taehyung looking down at me with a sympathetic smile. He starts to try and pull me away from my wounded dog.

"Come with me, Jin can fix Mingi up for you."

I reluctantly agree as he leads me away from the truck, leaving Jin to continue working on my dog.  But I can't hold back my tears which forces him to stop at the steps leading up to my apartment and turn to me. He draws me into a comforting hug and gently strokes my hair to calm me.

"Y/N he's going to be fine. You need to stop crying so he knows that his owner is ok."

I let out a strangled sigh as I wipe away my tears on the back of my hand yet they continue to fall. My breath hitches as soft thumbs run under my eyes and down my cheeks, wiping away the rest of the tears. I quickly look up at Taehyung in awe only to be greeted with a concerned look in his eyes as his eyebrows drew together.

"Are you ok Princess?"

I sniffle and nod before looking back down, "Don't call me that." 

He chuckles, "Don't worry Princess, you'll learn to love that name."

I look up once again, eyes looking directly into his, the smirk not leaving his lips. His gaze challenging me.

"Not hap-"

Jin shouts to get everyone's attention, "We are leaving now! Get your shit and get in the car!"

This makes me pull away from Taehyung and run over to the back of the truck to find Mingi sitting happily in the back. I give him a kiss on the forehead and he returns the kiss with a sloppy lick on my cheek. I giggle at the dog and pick him up again before walking into the car and taking a seat in the middle.

Namjoon and Yoongi pile in beside me and Jin sits in the driver's seat ready to go while Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin start to argue over the passenger seat forcing Jin to yell at them again.

"Yah! All of you in the back, Hoseok is sitting in the front. Now mOvE!"

They scurry away and Hoseok swings himself into the front before we pull away from my apartment block.

"Guess I'm staying with you guys now."

A chorus of hums agrees only to be followed with complete silence after.


I'm sorry

I feel bad because this might seem boring but I already have some really random chapters that are for later that I really wanna publish now but because some relationships aren't strong enough right now it would seem really silly. I finally understand where this story is going now which makes it easier to continue writing and because of school being online I have more time to write this stuff.

Again I'm sorry if this is boring

I always get so worried that the readers won't like it hahaha

Let me know if you do like it tho please :)

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