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I slammed the door open and find him sitting behind his desk. The fat fuck sits there smug, a disgusting smirk etched into his face. He doesn't even look surprised to see me.

"Take a seat lovely daughter."

I scoff, he's delusional if he thinks it's going to be a sit-down chat.

"What do you want Lee? Why are you chasing me across the country?"

"I warned you. If you crossed me, you'd be paying with your life."

"How is it that I have crossed you, oh dear 'father'."

"Being associated with that abomination of a 'gang' is a good enough reason."

I roll my eyes, "That's utter bullshit. You didn't really tell me how Mom died. Do you want to come clean now?"

He chuckles, "Your mother brought that upon herself. There isn't much to say about it. She's dead."

"Just like you."

I pull the gun out of my pocket and point it directly at Mr. Lee. His face doesn't falter. He doesn't care. It's just a game to him and apparently, he's winning.

"Try, daughter, but unfortunately for you, my guards are right outside. That and I know you won't be able to pull that trigger. You don't have the balls."

Just as I was about to answer the sound of gunshots ring out across the luscious garden outside. Guess the boys followed me.

"Well, that must be the cavalry oh dear father."

He chuckles, again. The fact that he still acts superior as I have this gun pointed at my forehead pisses me off.

"That doesn't mean anything, you still won't harm me and you're not getting out of here alive."

Now it's my turn to laugh, "You a fucking idiot."

I aim the gun at his hand and shoot.

"Am I bluffing now old man"

He lets out a roar, "I'll kill you! You little bitch!"

I'm enjoying this, playing with him as he did to me all those years.

I pout, giving him my best innocent face, "That's no way to talk to your darling daughter."


"Oh wait! That's right! I'm not actually your daughter. Ha funny that, guess I can shoot you in the shoulder."

Another shot goes off, the jolt of the release of the bullet shakes my arm pumping the adrenaline faster around my body. I'm getting waaay too much of a kick from this.

"What are you talking about dear daughter?"

His smile does nothing to hide the pain. Ha, that's been a long time coming, I'm excited to shoot him directly between the eyes.

The sound of the door smashing it startles me, I look to my right and find Tae on top of a dead guard, splinters of wood surrounding them.

"You broke my fucking door, you dumb child!"

Swinging back around I let off another shot at that hits Mr. Lee's shoulder.

"Shut up you dick. Tae did you just break the door with your head or something?"

"Not quite, but my head would love a kiss for the boo-boo that door just gave me."

I roll my eyes, "Where's your boo-boo?"

"Right here," he points at his lips, puckering for me to kiss.

His arms wrap around my waist and pulls me closer, a sly smirk covering his face. I shake my head at him but slowly lean forward into him, brushing my lips against his. I go to pull away only to have his hand tangle itself deep into my hair and smash my lips on his. He growls into the kiss, hungry and passionate for more. I giggle and slide my hands up over his chest and reach up into his hair.

"As much as I love watching this, do you mind?"

It was my turn to growl now. I reluctantly detach myself from Tae and spin around and shoot Lee in the abdomen.

"Do you mind?" I mimick him, "Are you kidding?? You're the one that took me away from my real family and now you're asking shit of me? I think I deserve some answers mate."

"I'm you-"

"You're not my fucking father! Mum never had any children with you! As a matter of fact, your right-hand man is my real father! Now please say something useful before I put a bullet in your head!"

"I am disappointed in you daughter."

I roll my eyes again, "Why did I expect more from you?"

The jolt of the gun in my hand makes my brain click. The loud bang as I pull the trigger echoes through the room. I hit him directly between the eyes and an overwhelming feeling spread through me.

I'm free, finally, I am free.


Hellow my lovelies!

I'm sorry about taking so long to upload! I'm currently in the middle of exam block but I still managed to find some time to write :)

I think this will be the last chapter of the book, unless you guys want more, like what they do now that she's free or whatever. Let me know in the comments!

Also 12k reads! That's crazy!

Enjoy! Love you loads!


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