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We all piled into the cars for the trip that is ahead. I was still in the minivan with Hoseok however Taehyung and Yoongi had joined us. Yoongi sat in the front, Hoseok driving which left Taehyung and I in the back with our two dogs who both sat snuggled up in our laps, snoring softly.

I gathered up the courage to ask him the question that had been burning my brain for the past day. I rub my hands on my legs, trying to dry them from the sweat before speaking up, only loud enough for him to hear.

"Taehyung, I wanted to ask you about the box of photos that I found while packing. It had lots of photos of me and I wanted to know where they are from."

He carefully swiveled his body to face me making sure not to wake Yeontan in the process.

"Your mother had been collecting them since you were born. I don't know why we still have it but it obviously stopped when she passed. Why was there something else you found?"

I lightly shake my head, "No. just confused as to why there was a box full of pictures."

He let out a little strangled sigh before turning his attention back to the dog snoring in his lap.

"What's your favourite colour?"

He speaks out of the blue making all of us look at him confused before Hobi starts to giggle.

"Mine is Green! It's the colour of hope."

Taehyung rolls his eyes at Hobi, "I wasn't asking you."

He giggles again, "I know I just wanted to annoy you. Yoongi what's your favourite colour?"

He lazily looks over his shoulder at me and then back at Hobi before answering, "White."

I look at him confused, "That's not even a colour. It's a shade."

He lets out a frustrated huff, "Well then it's black."

"Like your soul." Taehyung whispers.

I giggle which causes Yoongi to turn around and glare at me making me shrug. Taehyung then turns to me again looking a little annoyed.

"So? What's your favourite colour Y/N?"

I sit there thinking for a moment, "I have many favourite colours but I think that the one I have loved the longest is Purple."

His eyes light up, "Really? That's my favourite colour too! I mean I just love the meaning behind it."

(A/N here, yes I know it technically isn't his favourite colour (I think its like grey or something) but it has been mine since I could talk so... we are throwing that in lol)

I chuckle, "It means luxury and magic Taehyung."

"Haha! You see that is where you are wrong there Princess. I believe that if someone says 'I purple you' it means that person will trust and love you for a very long time because it is the last colour of the rainbow."

I sit there wide-eyed, Woah, did he just call me princess??

"Woah that is really cool Tae, I think I am going to use that more often now."

He smiles happily at me, "I hope you do."

I look to the front to find Hobi looking at us through the rear-view mirror and Yoongi giving us judgemental glares. I roll my eyes at them before leaning my head on Tae's shoulder and closing my eyes, letting my body drift off into a pleasant sleep only to be woken up hours later at the first Motel we would be sleeping in.

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