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I sat there thinking, it had been a couple of days since I last spoke to that grumpy man. I think about his features realising that he was foreign, his accent was laced with something else, something European. 

My thought train was broken when another person walked through the door pushing a metal cart. On one side there were metal utensils of all kinds, most of them from nightmares, and on the other side was a dainty little teacup and a scone. The sight of the food reminded me that I hadn't eaten the food I bought.

"Hey, do you know where the food went that I bought?"

He shrugged, "Jarrod probably ate it, I mean he's using your skateboard. He almost broke his arm on it yesterday."

"I swear, if he breaks him I will make sure he not only pays for it to be fixed but he will receive a broken face." I huff, looking the man in the eye.


"Yes him, my skateboard!"

"Your skateboard is male... Did you name it too?" He looks at you in concern. 

"His name is Hobi, my mom left it to me for my 18th birthday."

"Oh, I thought you were already crazy."

"I will be if that board gets broken"

He chuckles before turning his attention to the utensils on the cart, picking them up to inspect.

"You must like shiny things."

He turns around and looks at me confused, "Why would you think that?"

"Because you've been looking at that object for the past 20minutes. Hurry up with the torture I haven't got all day!"

He frowns before picking up a knife and stomping his way towards me, knuckles already turning white. He stabs me with the utensil and brings it down my leg making a clean cut.

"I didn't feel anything."

"How!? It should have cut your leg open!"

He looks down to inspect my leg only to find sheets of plastic wrap cut off my skin, revealing the new tattoo. His eyes widen at the sight his face going pale before scrambling towards the door shouting at the others.

The grumpy man walked in with the same guy who kidnapped you. 

"You know you should really think about contact lenses when you kidnap someone, not everyone has bright blue eyes."

No one laughs at the joke, instead they all inspect my tattoo, earning my confused stare. They walked back towards the door, huddling up for a second to whisper. Loud grunts of agreement and names floated in the air as their conversation reached my ears.

Not long after they had already made a phone call before untying my wrists and basically kicking me out the door. A Black car sat in the driveway facing me, the owner stepping out with a big smile. 

"I didn't think you would cause this much trouble Y/N!" Hoseok shouted as he walked his way towards you.

"Are you ready to go?"

I think for a second and remember my skateboard. I bolt back towards the door and start bashing on it.


A little squeak and the door was opened slightly, "What do you want? Money? Our House? Our Warehouses? What?"

I look at the terrifies man confused, "I just wanted my skateboard back."

Whispers were heard on the other side of the door before it was slowly handed to me through the small hole left in the doorway. Quickly thanking them I race back to Hoseok and jump into his car.

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