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The boys dropped me home just before midnight after we organized to meet up again tomorrow. I stood outside my apartment to find a large crack snaking up the middle of the door and the handle on the floor.

 I slowly pushed it open and quietly crept into the living room to find everything flipped upside down and the TV smashed. I search the apartment for all my 'priceless' belongings including Mingi (dog) who I found curled up inside my wardrobe. He was covered in scratches and cuts.

 I had to hold my hand over my mouth to drown out my sobs while I continue searching the apartment for any other signs of life.

Dirty footprints cover the floors and glass is scattered everywhere. My bed is turned on its side and the contents of my dresser join the glass on the floor. The draws of my bedside tables were thrown at the walls, leaving large holes and cracks across it.

 I snatch a backpack off the floor and start stuffing it full of items that I wanted to save from this wreck. I rush into the kitchen to find literally everything on the floor. I start searching through the mess for my lighter and swiss-army-knife and shove them into the backpack.

Rushing back into my room I grab some clothes and Mingi's toys before calling the boys. Thankfully it is Jin who answers my call as the constant tears drip onto my phone that is tucked under my cheek. Rushing into the bathroom I grab the first aid kit which seemed to be the only thing still in the sink cabinet.

"Hey Sweetheart, what's up?"

"J-jin, it's really b-bad."

"What's bad? Breathe sweetie and explain what's wrong."

The sound of keys and whispers in the background crackles through the phone as I being to explain what I found.

I take a deep breath before speaking, "I... I came home t-to find my apartment destroyed and Mingi injured..... Jin, they hurt my dog! The poor thing hasn't moved from my wardrobe since I found him 5 minutes ago! Who knows how long he's been in there?!"

I break down into more tears as he tries to calm me down over the phone.

"Sweetie it's ok, we are coming now. Can you sit tight for a minute or two?"

I hum in response before joining Mingi on the floor of my closet.

"Okay, I'll stay on the line until we get. I promise we are not far away at all."

I nod as I draw Mingi as close as possible and pet behind his ears, humming the lullaby my mother use to sing to me when I was younger. I watched as he slowly let his eyes flutter closed until we were both started by someone screaming my name out from the living room.

"That's Tae sweetheart, he's going to help you get Mingi to the car so I can treat him. I'm going to hang up now. I'm just outside."


I look down at Mingi as his sad eyes look up at me, "it's ok bub. I'll get you some help."

I call out just as a figure crashes through the door panting hard. He looks over to find me curled up into a little ball next to my dog who is growling lowly at the new smell that has entered the room. I pat him to reassure him as I stare at Taehyung's confused face.

"Are you ok?"

I nod before handing him the backpack and first aid kit. I stand and quickly scoop Mingi up before following Taehyung out into the living room. The rest of the members stand in the messy room with a collection of concerned faces.

Hoseok was the first to speak, "Did you see this note pinned to your fridge?"

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