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I strip the dead bodies of all their weapons and stuff them into the trunk. That will at least buy me sometime before the whole place goes on alert. Yea probably shouldn't have killed them.

I sneak past the rows upon rows of cars that line the underground garage, the smooth concrete floor squeaking under my feet. I look up to check in each of the corners, no cameras in sight, but that doesn't mean there aren't still some down here. Pushing through the metal door that leads our of the garage I am confronted with another man in a suit. He looks startled to see me but its only for a moment before he leaps towards me. I smirk, try me bitch.

I stand waiting for him to get to me only to move to the side at the last second. I spin around and pull my knife out again. Silence will be my best friend if I want to get through this.
I jump onto the 6 foot something bodyguard and run the blade over his throat. It felt like a warm knife cutting through butter, it was so quick and satisfying. I watched as his heavy body dropped to the floor before walking up the many flights of stairs.

Feels weird to be back at this place. The creamy-orange walls wrap around the stair case, and leads out onto the front entrance. Portraits line the walls and a large bouquet of flowers sits under the portrait of my mother. Everything is the same since I had left, nothing has changed since she passed. I'm not surprised in the slightest. He was obessesed with a woman who would never love him in return.

And I say obessesed because that's really all it was.

He could never love someone.

Not when he is incapable of being a decent human being with any empathy.

I scan the doors on the first floor for any guards then look to the stair case leading up to my 'father's' study. It was an ugly room that I hated to go into, but at this point it held the key to my freedom.
I crouch onto all fours and slowly begin to make my way to the stair case, it was only eight metres away but damn my heart was pounding like I had sprinted 1000.

The soft pitter pat of my footsteps on the stairs make my heart beat faster, and faster, to the point where I worry that even Lee will hear it in his office down the hall.

I creep closer and closer to that stupid door. I think those cheese toasties are about to reappear in front of me as I stand face to face with that large dark oak door.

I'm not ready to face what's inside.


Hey lovely people, I'm back in lockdown so hopefully I can update more often :)

I am struggling with writers block atm so sorry if the chapters are kinda shitty

I still can't believe so many people have read my book! If you could, please have a look at my other books!! I promise they are just as good :)

Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy



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