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My eyes widened as the sentence left his mouth. I walked towards the chair and sat down, my mind already in overdrive. Hoseok moves in front of me with a sincere look on his face.

"I know it may be a little much to take in at the moment, just let me know if you want to know more."

I look up at him and smile, "I want to know everything."

He returns the smile and begins, "Well, at the beginning your mum and all our fathers were best friends. They had been for a long time and each of their families was also apart of gangs. The only problem was that they were all rivals. What made it worse was my father and your mother were in love."

I gasped, "Then where does my father come into it?"

He chuckles, "Soon. So basically each son and your mum was supposed to inherit the throne to each gang however none of them wanted to be rivals so instead they all combined to create their own gang. The king and queen were obviously my father and your mother. What made it better was that each son had a skill meaning the gang was the perfect team with the perfect leader, your mother."

I clapped my hands together like a small child, "What happened next?"

"Well, your grandmother didn't like that her daughter was in an all-rival gang, so she arranged for her to get married to another man. Obviously that was your father. After she had been married she continued with her own gang and continued seeing my father. A little while after she had you, her husband's gang and ours got into a battle and in the end, your father sent someone to kill her as he believed she 'betrayed' him."

I nod my head, processing all the information. I still had one question floating around in my head though. 

I looked up at Hoseok, "What is the gang name called?"

He flashed a brilliant smile before answering, "Y/N's Angels"


This story is probably the one that gets updated the most. lolllllllllllll 

Also, sorry for this chapter is kinda bad. Just need to get the history and story set. Let me know what you kinda want from this story I guess. I was definitely going to put in some love and stuff but with who is the question lolololol.

Also please stay safe with all the current craziness. I keep being told to 'wash my hands' so maybe we should do that more. Anyway please enjoy and stay safe :)

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