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10th day has arrived, Taehyung and the others left at 6 this morning with the stand-in. She is going to make her entrance at around 12pm because Taehyung wanted to allow the boys and I some time to leave the house and start towards the cabins.

"Y/N! Can you pass me that box next to the door?"

I hum, walking towards the box, little photos are stacked in large piles inside it, the majority of them are photos of me from varying ages. I pull one out of the box, a tall man stands beside my mother who is lying in a hospital bed with a small baby boy in her arms. She very young, around my age and both of their smiles are bright and full of happiness. I dig my arm around in the box again to find another photo, the same couple, in the same hospital bed except a different baby was held in their arms. A tiny baby girl was swaddled in my mother's arms, a small wisp of baby hair shaping its head.

The tears were falling before I realized it, what does this even mean? The boy's movements stopped once they noticed, both of them instantly rushing towards me to comfort me.

"Y/N what's wrong? Are you ok?"

I quickly wipe away the tears, stuff the photographs into my pocket, and move towards the car again, sliding the mysterious box of photos into the car before heading back to the house to collect more. The two boys stand back watching me in confusion before brushing it off and heading back to the jobs they were originally doing.

The packing didn't take long to finish, the family car looked as though we were packing for a camping trip. Fishing rods hung off the side and a large canoe sat on top, covering more boxes and bags. We stood back and admired our work only to be interrupted by a loud squawk that crackled through the walkie-talkie Namjoon had given Hoseok.

"Hoseok?! Hoseok?! Are you there?"

"Yes, Yes I'm here, we just finished packing. What's wrong?"

"You need to leave now, take the fastest route out of town, don't draw any unnecessary attention to yourselves."

"Tae, are you ok? Did something happen?"

"Yes and no, the stand-in decided to go in too early, and let us just say that Y/N's father is NOT happy. SO I would definitely advise you to leave now. Jin will meet up with you in the next town over. Stay safe!"

The line went silent for a minute before Hoseok shoved Jimin and me into the car and pulled out of the drive-way, leaving no time for us to put on our seatbelts. His movements are panicked for a minute or two before Jimin breaks the tension, which visibly calmed him.

"Who wants to play i-spy?"


WOW! I did three updates in one night! A record from me loll. I guess that half makes up for how slack I have been writing this. I am so sorry. I actually have two chapters that I have waiting to be published but I need to figure out where to put them. (I hope you like a little bit of SMUT lol)

Any-who, I hope you enjoy : )

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