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They all stood in front of me as I retell my ramble, trying to make them understand.

"So, you basically just got a death threat from your father?" Hoseok asked, clearly concerned.

I nod my head, slightly ashamed of it, "It would seem that way."

A chorus of grumbles and whispers filled the room before someone speaks.

"I think we should head home, we will talk more about this over dinner. As for you Miss Lee, you'll be coming with us."

~Magical Time Skip~

We pull up outside a large suburban house, the garden neatly trimmed and the door painted a bright red. It looked like most houses along this street aside from the big red snake painting that stretched across the front of the house and the lily flowers that lines the footpath.

I wasn't allowed to admire the outside for long as the boys quickly ushered me inside. The inside was homely and felt safe and multiple photos lined the walls.

"Miss Lee! Please come to the kitchen."

I skipped into the kitchen to only find Jin standing there in an apron.

"So Miss Lee, You're the guest. What would you like the eat?"

"I'm good with whatever, and please stop calling me 'Miss Lee' it makes me feel old."

He chuckles, "Well, how does lasagne sound?"

"Sure, Can I help?"

He nods and hands me an apron before we get to work on cooking dinner.

"So, Y/N dear, where do you live?"

"I live not far from your tattoo parlour actually, there are some apartment blocks couple miles away."

He nods and continues cooking, "Do you live with anyone?"

"Besides the family dog that I took with me, no."

He gasps, "Sweetheart, you must be so lonely!"

I nod, "Yeah, but I chose that over living with my dad. It is better in so many ways."

He sighs, "I still don't like that you are living on your own at your age."

We stay silent for a while before he speaks again, "What kind of dog do you have?"

I giggle at the thought of my dog, "He is an English Staffordshire terrier. He might look scary but he has the biggest heart and is the sweetest thing you'll ever meet."

He nods, "Does he protect you?"

"Mmm, he trained from a young age to do so."

"Well, it's good to know that you have a protector. Have you met Tae's dog yet?"

I shake my head as a no, "I haven't really spoken to anyone else really."

I start to set the dinner table that sat in front of the kitchen. It was very long and was made of different woods. The chairs were all miss-matched but made it look like a happy place to be.

"Guess you'll get to talk to the rest of us at dinner then. Speaking of dinner, it is finally finished."

He set it down and the table and took a set before beckoning me to sit beside him.

"I'll serve up our portions first before calling the animals otherwise we will definitely get none of it." 

Before long, loud thunder boomed through the house. I turn to find 6 men running down the stairs like animals. Everyone flooded around the table and piled up their plates high. It didn't take long before all the food was dished out and there was nothing left in the pan.

The dinner table wasn't quiet for a single moment, the constant chatter, bickering, and laughter made me feel good. It was a nice change from eating two-minute-noodles by yourself.

I smile through the dinner as we happily ate the lasagne together, feeling at home for the first time in years.


So, I am struggling with writer's block but I trying to write out all my ideas so I can try and get the updates out quickly. If anyone has any tips, notes or pointers please let me know :)

And I hope you all stay safe :)

Also, did everyone watch Bang Bang Con? I watched all 24hrs of it and now really really want to see them live but I live in Australia so that may not happen lollll

Anyway, Enjoy :)

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