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I wake up in arms of Tae, his steady pace moves us quickly towards a massive wooden house. The 'lodge' the boys had been talking about for weeks was actually more like a mansion. There were enormous windows that covered most of the walls, making it look bigger than what it is. As he carried me up to the doorway, large dark oak doors greeted us with large stone pillars on either side. I look up at Tae to find him already staring down at me.

"How was your sleep, Princess?"

I roll my eyes at the nickname, "You guys said that this was a lodge. I see a mansion!"

The boys laugh, "Wait till you see your room Sweetheart, it's my favourite room in the house."

"If it's pink, someone will be getting a beat down."

"I would love to see that happen Princess."

Everyone laughs, as I sulk in Tae's arms, "can we go inside now."

He puts me down and Jin takes my hand, leading me through the door. He rambles about how much I will love the room as he pulls me through twists and turns and up numerous stairs until we came to a long hallway with several doors lining the walls. He rushes down to the end of the hall and stops at a door on the right-hand side of the walkway.

"This is your room, the door next to it is Tae's and Hobi is across from you."

He pushes the door open to reveal a massive four-poster bed with deep blue walls and gold accents that line the walls. A desk sat on the left as you walk in and above it hung numerous skateboards with wicked designs printed on them.

"The skateboards are new, we got the maid to add them when we knew we were coming here. I also bought some plain boards in case you wanted to paint them yourself."

I smashed myself into his chest and let out a strained sob, "Thank you so much."

He chuckles at my behaviour, "It's because we love you, Sweetheart. Now go take a shower and freshen up, you have your own bathroom now."

I reluctantly pull away from him and wave goodbye as I make my way to have a shower.

After an or so in the shower, I wander around the house exploring every door and cupboard. I have figured out where all the boy's rooms are and I'm making my way back down to the living room only to stop when I hear the group in a heated conversation.

"She already found the photos! You think she won't figure it out soon?!"

I hear Hobi shouting at the rest, protesting about something they aren't doing.

"We shouldn't tell her just yet, that arsehole still thinks shes's his and that is why she is in this mess in the first place. We need to wait until she is off the Blood Red's kill list."

I slowly edge closer to the doorway, listening intently to what they were saying.

"I agree with Hoseok, Taehyung she needs to know who her real family is. The poor thing thought she was going to be alone her whole life!"

"Fine! Whatever! Can someone go get her for me?"

I hear a grunt before shuffling of feet, I panic and quickly pretended to just walk into the living room.

"Hey, Guys-"

"Y/N we need to talk."

My words become lodged in my throat as I hear that sentence, nothing ever comes good after hearing that sentence. I nod my head as my voice fails me, taking a seat next to Jungkook on the long sofa across from Taehyung. He looks me in the eyes and takes in a long breath in.

"So, you had asked Jin about some photos you had found and you asked me about a box of photos that you had also found... well that belongs to Hoseok's father.

You see Y/N, your mother loved Hoseok's father very much. To the point that they were to be married only for your grandmother to force her to marry your f-father. So you see-"

"Y/N I am your biological brother."

I look over at Hoseok who looked frustrated, "What do you mean?"

"Well aren't those photos enough proof? It is a picture of our mother holding two different babies in a hospital bed with our father standing next to her. The person you believed to be your father was never your father. Your mum just made him think that to keep him and our grandmother off her back about it."

I suck in a sharp breath, listening intently to what Hoseok has to say.

"So, in conclusion, you have a brother and a father that has been secretly watching you grow up away from them to protect you and your mother from the bastard that she was married to." Taehyung sums it up, quickly as he watches my face change through the emotions I was feeling.

"So, I'm not alone?"

They all shake their head, "You will never be alone again, and we will never let someone take you away from us."

The tears were set free and my face became smudged with the salty liquid as the group all pulled me into a hug, letting me cry happily into their shirts.

"I love you."



Wow, Big chapter! I'm pretty proud of myself for not dropping this story. It's almost at 600 reads! That's so cool!

I hope that you guys enjoy it :)

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