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I waited until we get onto the highway to ask the question that has been bothering me for hours.

"Hoseok, why were those men scared of the tattoo on my leg?"

His hands tightened around the steering wheel, his eyes never leaving the road. 

"I will have to take you back to the tattoo shop to check on your leg." He turned and gave me a quick smile before facing the road again.

The drive was short and quiet, we didn't speak again until we arrived. Hoseok helping me out of the car.

"The shop will be more crowded than last time, I invited some people over to have a look at your tattoo."

I nodded and followed him into the shop, being met with the cool air conditioner and the strong smell of cologne. Six men stood in front of me, all wearing darker clothing and brightly coloured hair. Jimin stood among the men, smiling widely at me.

"Can you please introduce yourself to us?" Hoseok asked, still standing behind me.

"Hello, My name is Lee Y/N. Nice to meet you."

They all smiled at me before introducing themselves, they called themselves BTS.

I turned to Hoseok after the introduction, "Can you please explain my tattoo now?"

"Follow me Y/N."

He led me to a room in the shop that had picture frames hung across all the walls, a typical tattoo chair sitting in the middle. I looked closely at the photos to find 7 men and one woman. 

"Y/N, do you know much about your mother?"

"Yes, a lot of my tattoos are for her."

He nods his head, "Your new tattoo is her gang symbol."


I'm sorry for the boring/ short chapter. I'm struggling with school at the moment

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