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It wasn't until we drove out of town that Taehyung contacted us again. The rest of the boys were safe, no one had managed to get any injuries and we were to meet them at the next gas station that was located just outside the next town over. The boys had decided that it was best to move two states over, there was another lake house there waiting for us that was secure enough for the time being.

"Hey Y/N, do you wanna stop to let the dogs out for like 5 minutes?"

I look up to see Jimin looking worried, "And I also think you need to stretch your legs too."

I nod slowly, going back to overthinking as I had beforehand until a hand grabbed my knee. Looking up at the owner, Hobi sits in the driver's seat with the same expression of worry.

"Are you ok? You look troubled."

"Um, yeah. I'm just wondering what will happen next now that they know I'm working with you guys."

And the fact that I found a baby photo that looked a lot like me with an unknown man.

The car goes quiet for another five minutes before Hobi pulls over on the side of the road, the occasional tree swaying in the breeze and small birds flit around the branches. Mingi and Yeontan jump out of the car before I follow them, watching them bolt off into the distance.

"Hey Y/N."

I turn around to find Hobi there smiling, walking towards me, and pulling me into a hug.

"You don't need to worry about that, Tae has it all under control."

I let out a big huff and melt into the hug, "I hope so. I don't like being trouble for others."

He chuckles and squeezes me tightly, "You will never be a trouble for me, you're family now."

My heart beats faster and my brain spasms, what if we were family? Like, brother and sister? The overwhelming thoughts take me away for a moment before I am brought back by Jimin's laughter and the barks of the two dogs.

"Hey, are you ok? You kinda blanked out there."

"Huh? Oh, yeah I am totally fine. Just can't wait to see the others."

I give him my best smile before letting go of the hug and running after Jimin as he jumps around with Mingi and Yeontan.

We played for another 20 minutes before Hobi thought it was best to get back onto the road again. The boys tried their hardest to keep me out of my head, singing songs, playing different games, and bribing me with lollies. It honestly made me forget about the possible problems that may arise in the future until we finally made it to the service station.

We pulled up beside the black van, bullet holes peppered the sides and the left-hand side had a massive dent in it. Another family car was parked on the other side, Jin sitting in the front seat flipping through another trashy magazine. The rest of the boys were leaning against the Van, stuffing their mouths full of hamburgers and french fries with serious expressions plastered on their faces (even with the mouthfuls of food).

I jump out of the minivan and sprint towards Jin, engulfing him into a hug through the car window.

"Hey Sweetheart, how are you?"



I have something to ask you."



WoW, I updated within a week of the last update that's pretty cool lol. I was planning on starting another book but wanted to input on it.

Thoughts on a masked dystopia/masked royal fanfic?

Hope you enjoy this update :)

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