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We got Tae to the hospital, turns out that if I didn't step in when I did he'd not of made it. I didn't realize that my newfound freedom would come with all Mr. Lee's mess. I guess I wasn't free just yet. We cleaned up the property, found many, many, many stashes of varying substances and weapons. Tae obviously took the weapons, we kinda needed more of them after what happened at my father's mansion. As for the hundreds of kilos of substances, we gave a quarter of it to that little gang that was chasing me. Turns out that The Blood Red Gang is actually just a sub-category of my father's organization. They are simply just the 'clean-up crew'.

Well with the generous donation from us, they are off our backs and able to support themselves. Just doing good for the world one coke brick at a time. As for the rest, well we obviously sold it all in a matter of a couple of days and made an enormous amount of money. The rest of Mr. Lee's shit was left to his right-hand man, my real father. SO, we stripped the house and sold it and got the couple hundreds of millions of dollars in the fat man's bank account. I guess he wasn't the only thing that was fat.

Once we were finally free of Mr Lee's mess, the boys decided it would be best to purchase a new place near the tattoo shop, so each of them bought a little 'family home' along Angel Crest a couple of streets over from the shop. The one that Tae bought was adorable, it's up off the ground with its timber veranda and an enchanting staircase up to the front door. (A/N describing my dream home lol search 'old Queenslander home'). I've been living with Tae for about a month, and he's already put me to work in multiple areas, if you know what I mean.

For example, Tae has got Jimin teaching me to sketch designs for them to tattoo on others. And it's gotten to the point where I'm training the boys in my specialties instead of the other way around.

If you thought I meant something else, get your mind out of the gutter.

But then again, Tae has been fucking me right every night. I can't get enough of him, and he can't get enough of me. It probably explains why I've had three pregnancy scares, I think it'll only be a matter of time before I actually get pregnant. 

Who would have thought that I would have found this amazing family amongst the men connected to my mother, in a little tattoo shop that was created by my true parents? I finally feel at peace with myself and those around me, thank you, mum. You've done a lot for me.


WTFFFFFFF 26K? that's crazy man. I'll do a spicy chapter for ya'll to say thanks. Also, check out my other books please, it would mean a lot. I also have a pure SMUT book if you're interested ;) 

Thank you for the support lovelies!


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