Clear Head

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After the information overload, I let out a big sigh and decide to take my skateboard out to help make sense of what I had just been told. I wave goodbye to the boys before heading down towards the local skatepark. 

I throw the board down and jump on to it, gaining speed as I fly down the road. The ride was a total of 1 mile and it gave me time to understand every little thing the boys had told me. For starters, my sweet and delicate mother was the leader of a gang. It blew me away that it was a possibility and that I now had her mark on my skin, beautifully winding down my leg. 

After being drowned in thought for a while, I had finally arrived at the park. Luckily the skatepark was almost empty beside the little 7-year-Olds on their scooters. I pulled out my headphones and plugged them in before beginning to work on some tricks.

For me, this was a place that truly helped me clear my mind. I reflect my decision I have made along with what my next one will be. I connect the dots as I replay everything the boys had told me. They are constantly moving around, changing their appearance, getting into trouble with the police and other gangs. But what I don't understand is if what I remember of my mother is the real version of her or not.

I questioned everything I knew about her and how she treated me sweetly. I questioned whether she truly loved me and why she stayed with my father for so long. I wanted to learn so much more about this gang, what my mother was like and the rest of her friends. 

After all the thinking I realised that I missed her dearly. 

I look up from the ground to see that the sun was setting. I unplug and start heading back towards the tattoo parlour. 

Suddenly and a matte black car slowed down as it passed me, the window slowly winding down to reveal the ugliest face in the world.

My father.

"So, are you trying to finish what your mother started?"

I kept going, ignoring the pig of a man beside me.

"Answer me, girl! What do you think you're doing with that group of... CHILDREN?"

I kept going, still not facing me before answering, "That is none of your business."

He growled low, "It is, you're my daughter."

I rolled my eyes and continued to ignore him, at this point we were not far from the parlour. I decided it was best to continue past it until I got rid of arsehole beside me.

"If you ever try to go against me daughter, you will pay with your life."

I chuckle, "Mmm, ok. Whatever floats your boat."


I stopped and watched as the car continued to drive on before screaming out to him.

"Goodbye, father!"

 I turned around and rushed back to the tattoo shop. I burst through the front door and started rambling about everything including what had just happened with my father all while the boys stared at me, clearly confused.


Hello to anyone who actually reads this, I am sorry it has taken me so long and the chapters are a little boring but I promise that something interest will happen soon, I'm just trying to figure out how to word it. Also, stay safe and healthy!

(I'm actually in quarantine at the moment and the school holidays started :( )

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