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I shed a small tear when I realised what that meant. My mother was killed at the hands of my father for having a gang that I was named after. I look up at Hoseok still a little confused.

"So why were those men so scared of my mother's gang symbol then?"

He nodded, thinking for a couple of seconds before answering,  "Probably because she was the most dangerous person in the world. All either loved her or feared her. But that doesn't mean she wasn't a good person."

I hum in response, taking in all the information before asking another question, "Why did you tattoo this on me then?"

"That is because of three reasons. One, we knew you were her daughter. Two you asked for snakes and three the head of the gang needs a queen, i.e. you."

"Riiiiight. Whose head of the gang?"

He chuckled before pulling me out of the room. The rest of the boys were sitting in the waiting room, happily chatting.  When we entered, they all looked up and big smiles crawled across their faces, all except one. Hoseok called the boys into a line.

"Now, I'm going to go through our specialities that were handed down from our parents. I was supposed to be the leader but I handed the roll to one of the other boys."

I nod my head and look back at them, "So who does what then?"

He chuckles before answering, "Right, so I am in charge of weapons but only guns, your mother was in charge of knives and poisons."

"Makes sense, she gave me lots of chemistry kits when I was little. I do enjoy using those things too."

"That's great! You can take on that job then! Ok next is Jimin. He handles most of our training schedules so we are fit for missions, he's really good at hand to hand combat.

Next, we have Yoongi and Namjoon. These two work on the technology side of things. Yoongi works on hacking and Namjoon handles all our 'gadgets' and explosives. 

Jungkook here is our little bunny, he can get himself into any tunnel, hole or vent. He is really amazing but he is also really good with hand to hand combat like Jimin.

Moving on we have Jin, he is our medic and cook. He basically just looks after us so we don't get ourselves killed. He is good with knives too.

And last but certainly not least, we have Kim Taehyung. THE LEADER of our gang and also the one that handles everything else."

"Ok, I have one more question."

He smiles, "Fire away."

"Why the brightly coloured hair if your apart of a gang?"

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