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"What is it Y/N?"

I pull out the two photos and hand them to him, his expression drops.

"Where did you find these?"

"You see, that is the other thing I wanted to ask you about. Why is there a massive box full of my photos?"

He drags his hands over his face in frustration before looking back at me, "You need to talk to Tae about the box, and as for these two pictures, you'll have to wait until we get you safe and sound at the lodge."

I slowly nod my head and take the pictures, stuffing them back into my pocket. Jin's hand comes down on my shoulder, the worry clearly consuming his eyes.

"Y/N, you do not need to worry. We have it all sorted, we will protect you from anything and everything."

I look at him again, my eyes stinging from all my bottled up emotions.

"But I don't want to have to rely on you to protect me, especially from my father. It doesn't seem right that I am the daughter of a gang leader and I can't even protect myself. I feel so weak in comparison and it hurts Jin. It really hurts"

His expression softens and he brings me into a hug, "Sweetheart, you have had to protect yourself from many things over the years, you are so strong and yet you don't even realize it. We want the best for you and if protecting you means to train you then that's what we will do. Why do you think Tae was so strict about training you? We only want the best for you."

I sniffle, making sure the tears hadn't fallen before kissing Jin on the cheek. "Thank you."

He chuckles, "No problem Sweetheart, I am always here to talk."

He gets out of the car and takes my hand as we walk towards the rest of the group, who seem to be ina very heated conversation. We join the circle just as Taehyung was about to give us a rundown of the next couple of weeks.

"So, the reason why we met up with you guys here instead of two towns over is because we need to change the vehicles over. Y/N needs to change vehicles every time we stop at night, meaning we will sleep, and she will just rotate through the cars each day. Not hard to comprehend. 

If we do this, then no one will have to stay with one person the whole time. I think it will keep the older ones sane. I also want to know if anyone needs to stop because if one car stops then all of us need to stop. I want everyone within a mile radius of one another. 

I'm sorry for sounding strict but as I said earlier, we don't know exactly how this will end. This gang is really new and there is a possibility that if we went to war with them it won't end well. Anything else we need to go over before leaving?"

The group goes silent, everyone already thinking about possibilities over the next few days.

Yoongi stays staring at the ground as his mouth moves on its own, "How long will it take to get to this new lodge?"

Taehyung hum, "Good question, I estimated about a week and a half, if we drive through the night at least 6 days in total. We will need to switch through drivers too. I also made sure Jin has some extra supplies in his car and the boys and I are going to switch the van out for that thing over there."

He points at an old beaten up corolla, the windows tinted dark and the number plates look black from the number of bugs squished across it. 

I pipe up, "Why did you choose a cardigan car?"



Double update yay! Also for those who don't know what a cardigan car is, it's a car that old people drive (or people with horrible fashion sense lol). There is a little joke that we have about how everyone who owns a corolla wears a nana cardigan.

Anyway enjoy the update and let me know if there is any bits I should change or fix :)

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