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A couple of weeks had passed since getting the tattoo and it had healed perfectly. I loved showing it off, it just looked so captivating.

I checked the tattoo in the mirror one more time before heading to the kitchen to make my dinner. I look in the fridge to find it empty beside the lone sauce bottle. I groan before grabbing a pen and paper to write down my shopping list. The paper in my hands still remaining blank as I try to come up with what to buy.

"I give up."

I drop the pen and paper, pick up my purse and phone before leaving the house to the nearest convenience store. Jumping into my skateboard I ride down to the shop.

The little bell rings as I push open the door, walking down the aisle of snack foods. I pick up a pack of chocolate and a bread roll before walking to the counter and paying. When I leave the store the air around me seems tenser, someone was following me. I push off on my board and quickly increase my pace before crossing the road to the busier part of the footpath. 

Picking up the board, I can hear the tapping of footsteps on the pavement following me as I round the corner towards my apartment. Just as I near the building I turn around to check my surroundings only to find a masked man staring down at me, his piercing blue eyes filled with hidden anger.

Before I can scream, his hand covers my face with a little cloth making my vision blur before I'm swallowed by darkness.

I wake later to a throbbing head, my wrists numb and my neck aches. I look around, taking in my surroundings to find myself in the centre of a room made of concrete from floor to ceiling. Another chair sits opposite me and a large metal door stands strong directly behind that.

Before I could react too much a loud screeching sound erupts through the room as the door slowly opens. A young man walks through the door, his head down as he walks towards the chair before lifting his head up. His eyes are slightly sunken and his lips are in a hard line. 

"Do you know why you're here Lee Y/N?"

I shake my head giving him the most confused look I could muster. 

"Because your father has killed one of our own, so we are getting revenge."

I chuckle at their stupidity, "You are not going to get the reaction you're hoping for. He is a dick I don't live with him for a reason."

He was taken back by my response, "Well then, we will torture you and send photos threw to your dad to see if he thinks differently."

I roll my eyes, "Go ahead he won't care."

He huffed before getting up and stomping out of the room, clearly frustrated.

"Hey where's my skateboard?"

He groans loudly before slamming the door.

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