Cheese Toastie

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I probably shouldn't have spent so much time with Tae, but I mean would you stop a man like him when they are about to appreciate your body like that?

I didn't think so.

It's fine, we still have about 16 hours left until they get here. The boys have already started setting up, some patrolling while others stash weapons in safe places in case the house is raided. It is interesting watching these men scurry around like little ants hoping to have a good enough strategy to win against these mother-murderers.

"Hey Big bro, is there anything I can do? I feel pretty useless standing here."

"You could train yourself?"

"I already have."

"You could cook something for me."

"That would be a negatory good sir."

"Well, I don't know what to tell you. Tae doesn't want you doing anything. He thinks that we'll be fighting this 'battle' without you."

"Hobi this isn't a 'battle', this is a fat man sending another man to kill his 'daughter', even then I don't think a battle is only fought with guns ."

"Oh sweet, little sister. There is much you must learn about the gang way-of-life."

I roll my eyes and head to the kitchen, "What did you want to eat?"

"Cheese toastie please!"

A chorus of 'me too' followed me into the kitchen as I busied myself with cooking a snack for all the men working hard to set up for this 'massive event' I was excluded from. It's funny because it's surrounding me, I was the one to create this and I am not being allowed to fight for myself. I just have the men to do that for me. 

I'm struggling with this. I'm not one to stay in the kitchen and obey orders from others. I'm the tomboy that everyone won't cross because I might pull a knife on them or bash them with my skateboard. It feels like shit sitting here being treated like a delicate doll when I can defend myself. 

You know what. I'm gonna fight. It's my fault that they are in this situation in the first place. I need to help end it. 

I finish making the sandwiches and walk outside to where they are all practising and checking every detail of their weapons making sure they are functioning at their fullest. 

"Snacks are ready boys."

In seconds I am crowded and the plate is cleared in the blink of an eye. Shit, guess they were hungry. The sounds of munching and 'thank you's sounded through the yard.

I casually make my way back to the kitchen to put away the plate and clean up, the silence welcoming me for the first time in a while. It is peaceful for once but we all know that there is always a calm before the storm.

A large 'bang' shakes the house followed by screams of war. My chest constricts and my heart hammers in my ears.

It has begun.


Hey lovelies, I feel so happy to know that so many of you are enjoying this. 

It's like 2.8K reads atm and I can't believe that many of you are reading it! A lot of my audience is from the US, India and Australia so HI from Australia!

Love you all and I hope you continue enjoying the book :)

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