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I must have fallen asleep during the ride back to their house. The engine had turned off and I was being carried inside the house, numerous footsteps silently ringing in my ears. I was placed down on a couch while the rest of the boys circled around the island bench in the kitchen, the subtle whispers slowly bringing me out of my slumber. Mingi slept next to me in a small circled up ball, his light snores blew puffs of air into my face. I giggle at his cute sleeping face before carefully removing myself from the couch. I crept up closer to the kitchen, standing just out of sight and listening in on the problems at hand.

"What does the note even say?"

Taehyung was the first to speak only to be met with an uneasy voice, "Are you sure you want to know?"

Namjoon was the one to pipe up, "Jin, he needs to know, he needs to figure out what the next move is."

He lets out a sigh and hesitantly begins reading.

"To whom this may concern,

The resident of this household is now the property of The Blood Red Gang. 

A deal has been made with Mr. Lee who has kindly sold the resident of this household to us in exchange for immunity and closure from a previous deal.  As the resident is not home at this time, we will be expecting to collect them from Mr. Lee's residence in 10 days. If not there will be some dire consequences.

Hope you have a fabulous evening


The Blood Red Gang

P.S. You should teach your dog not to bite your guests. "

"Is that all it says?"

Jin shakes his head, "No, it also says that if anyone else finds or reads this note they will be 'exterminated' along with the person they are waiting for."

Jungkook whines at this, "Oooh Nooo, now we are going to get killed by a gang! I'm too young to die."

Yoongi hits him up the back of the head, "You idiot, we're in our own gang."

Jungkook's whole mood flips, "Oh yeah."

They all grumble at his stupidity. Namjoon looks over at Taehyung, a worried look crosses his face.

"What you thinking about Tae?"

"I don't think they know who Mr. Lee sold to them"

After he said that the whole room fell into a silence, not an awkward one nor a comfortable one, but one that they all understand what will happen next.


"How will this work?"



I'm back at school again and it's honestly pretty hard. I have been struggling with my mental health atm, the pandemic has made it super hard lol. How is everyone else holding up? 

Also yay! Over 300 reads! That's pretty cool, I am surprised that many people are reading my stuff. It kinda makes me feel proud even though it isn't much compared to other amazing books lol

Anyways stay safe and enjoy the new chapter :)

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