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Hobi had taken me up to my room after they had told me. He seemed happier than normal ad he bounced towards my room and jumping onto my bed, pulling me with him.

"You have no idea how much I wanted a sibling growing up. It felt like torture to have no one in that dumb house."

He laughs before pulling me into a tight hug, "Well I'm here now! I remember when father would bring home photos of my little sister, it wasn't much but it was enough for me to watch how much you have grown up over the years."

I sigh into his shirt, enjoying the hug with my brother. It feels like home. A little knock interrupts our hug, both of our eyes moving towards the door to find Tae standing there looking as awkward as ever.

"Do you have a minute Y/N?"

My throat tightens at the sound of my name and I robotically nod, gesturing for him to enter. Hobi gets off the head and gives me a quick kiss on the forehead before living the room. Taehyung comes and sits next to me and I can hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears. A hand comes to my shoulder and shakes it slightly, forcing me to look up.

"Are you ok?"

"Mmm, I think I'm just still in shock."

He lets out a strained laugh, "It must be good to know that you finally have a brother though."

"Yeah it sure is, and It is even better to know that that pig of a man is not my father."

He nods his head and silence falls upon us. It's not uncomfortable nor comfortable, it's just in the middle, it's just normal.

"Do you have any siblings Tae?"

"I did, she was to turn 13 this year."

"Why do you talk about her like she isn't alive anymore?"

"Because she's not, both my parents and my little sister died when your 'father' killed them and your mum. She was only 5 Y/N, who does that to a 5-year-old?"

I wrap my arms around him, trying to comfort him when I can't even help myself. I cry knowing that I lived with a murderer for most of my life and I wasn't even related to him.

"I'm so sorry that you had to deal with that."

He wipes away the little number of tears that managed to fall, "It wasn't all that bad, Hobi's father took care of me like I was his own. I am so grateful for this family that I have now."

I squeeze him tighter, "And I'm grateful for you."

He pulled away from the hug and looked at me skeptically, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, that if you guys hadn't taken me in or helped me along the way I would possibly be a slave for that gang or worse; dead."

He shook his head before mumbling, "You are so special yet you don't even realize it."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means that many of us care for you, that you will never be left behind, you will never be left alone and I will make sure of that. I can' let someone I love die. Not again."


"Y/N, I came up here to tell you one thing, I like you Y/N."


"I like, like you Y/N. I don't expect a response to that, I just have been dying to tell you that for so long. I won't force you into anything. I just needed to tell you how I felt."

He gives me a peck on the cheek before walking out of my bedroom leaving me with my thoughts that seemed to be getting louder and louder in my head to the point that I fell asleep tangled in all these wild thoughts and emotions.

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