Who Would've Thought

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Hey guys!

So I decided to make this "last episode" kind of thing, and this came up, and I hope you like it.

This is just Densi giving the new Junior agents advice so...

Not much, but I hope you enjoy!

-Amanda xoox


It's been a while since Hetty and Granger retired, and Sam and Callen took the reigns.

When they'd left, Hetty had said, "I'm leaving for real this time. Good luck, gentlemen."

Since Callen and Sam are the new director and assistant director, Kensi and Deeks are the new Senior agents of NCIS, and today, the agency would be taking in two new junior agents.

"I hope we like them, the mini versions of us." Deeks says dreamily.

"Not mini at all.. they're a few years younger, Deeks." Kensi rolls her eyes, smirking.

"I still hope we like them."

"Hetty evaluated them," Kensi reasons, "Of course we will."

"You didn't quite think that when I joined back in twenty-ten." Deeks puts his arm over her shoulders.

"Well look where that got us... we're married, you're a full agent.. we got a bun in the oven.." Kensi kisses him.

"Still.. you hated me.. Damn." Deeks chuckles.

Kensi just laughs, "They're going to be here any minute."

A few minutes after, a pair of fresh faces walk into the bullpen.

"Are you Special Agent Deeks and Blye?" The woman asks.

"Indeed we are, and you guys must be Agents Lawrence and Banks?" Deeks says, shaking their hands.

"Miss Lange said that you guys would offer some advice.." The man, Banks, trailed off.

"That, we do. Have a seat." Kensi says.

"How long have you guys been partners? Or were you guys at different agencies?" Deeks asks.

"We've only been partners for a few months.." Agent Banks says.

"Too long for my comfort.." Agent Lawrence mutters, causing Deeks and Kensi to share a knowing look.

"So.. you guys are sort of used to each other by now?" Kensi asks carefully.

"You can say that.." Lawrence says.

"Well all we can say is that you guys should have full trust in each other by now." Deeks smiles.

"Well, I do.. I trust him with my life." Lawrence admits, looking down at her hands.

"See?" Banks puts an arm around Lawrence's shoulders, "I knew you'd come around eventually."

Lawrence shoots him a glare, and punches him in the chest.

Kensi purses her lips to keep from laughing, "We've been in your position, and well, we can see what you guys are capable of. Welcome to NCIS.. You guys can head up to OPS whenever you're ready."

Lawrence and Banks nod at them as a silent thank you, and get up, walking up the stairs to OPS.

"That went well.." Deeks chuckles.

"Do you think they'll be another us?" Kensi rubs her three month belly, looking up to her husband lovingly.

"Anything can happen." He hugs her.

"Things have changed so much." Sam says, walking into the bullpen with Callen.

"That is an understatement, buddy," Callen chuckles, "I mean, who would've thought that I would be the NCIS director of the L.A unit?"

"And who would've thought I'd be the next Granger?" Sam says, causing everyone to laugh.

"And, uh, ahem," Deeks clears his throat, "Who would've thought that this one would end up getting married to the jungle cat?" He says, reffering to Kensi.

"But it all turned out well, and we should thank God for that." Kensi gives a snort-chuckle, looking up at Deeks.

"I love you." Deeks says, placing a kiss to her lips.

"I love you, too." Kensi lays her head on his shoulder.

Callen makes a face, "Can you save that for yourselves, that kind of behavior is hazardous to our health."

They all share a laugh, and walk up to OPS, thanking God that they found each other.

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