Her Abusive Nature.

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So I will update twice every week, hopefully.

Enjoy this one!!!!!

-Amanda, xoox.


It's been a few hours since rescuing Sam and Callen from that sub, a very, very risky mission, but Sam and Callen being, well.. Sam and Callen insisted they were fine and treated the team to dinner and beer at a pub near the Mission. The whole team showed up., hell, even Granger showed, but he and Hetty left early for some reason. It was just Sam and Callen, who were slightly tipsy, Nell and Eric, who were full on drunk to the point where Nell jumped on their table and sung Dancing Queens and Eric joined her, and of course Kensi and Deeks who were the only one's who hated loosing control of their body unlike some people.

"Nell, don't you think you've had enough of that?" Deeks reaches for her drink.

Nell pulls her arm back and hugs her beer to her chest, "Nooope! I'm super dooper fine."

"Fine is an understatement, Nelly-poo." Eric slurs.

Sam, Callen, Deeks, and Kensi share a look and burst out laughing.

"It's like Kensi and her Twinkie addiction." Deeks laughs and the team joins in.

Kensi raises her fist, to punch him playfully, like she always does, and Deeks pulls his arms up, protecting his face. Kensi paused, her fist still at mid swing, eyes wide. The team stop what they're doing and widened their eyes as well, never expecting that.

"What was that, Deeks?" Sam says slowly, asking the question on everyone's mind.

Deeks slowly lowers his hands from the protective position in front of his face and chuckles dryly, "Too many years of it, I guess," He gets up, "I think I'm going to hit the sack, guys. I'll, uh, see you tomorrow. And I'm really glad you guys are okay." Deeks nods in Sam and Callen's direction.

Kensi lowers her fist slowly, prossessing what just happened. What he just said stung her. She wanted to crawl up into a whole and cry and she wanted to scream all at the same time.

"What was that all about?" Callen asks.

"I don't know..." Kensi lies, getting up from the table as well, "I'm leaving, too, you guys.. Good night."


What the hell was that? Deeks thinks to himself as he drives to his house.

The only reason he reacted that way was because a few months back, when Kensi'd punched him for not taking the shot, only months after he had been tortured by Siderov. He wasn't even pissed about her not saying sorry for the punch, it was more the pain he felt because of her not even concidering his pain, but acting out of anger. He indirected this to her only a day and a half before by saying "You're abusive nature is not good luck." or something in that zone, he didn't remember clearly.

Deeks pulls up next to his house and breaths in before stepping out and walking into it. He sighs, hearing Monty whimpering beside the couch, probably hungry from not being fed since the morning. Deeks puts down his keys, slips off his shoes and feeds his hungry dog.

"You seem depressed, Deeks."

Deeks automatic reaction is to whip his hand to his waistband of his jeans and point the gun in the direction of the speaker.

"What? Plan on shooting me, too?" Kensi walks toward him.

"That's not fair. It was a reflex, and I don't expect you to understand," Deeks reffers to the previous events at the pub, and puts down the gun, walking into the kitchen and taking out a cereal box, offering some to Kensi, which she gladly accepts it, stuffing a bunch in her mouth.


"Your abusive nature is not very amusing, Kens."

"Wow, that stung." Kensi jokes bitterly.

He felt bad instantly, attacking her for no reason, "I'm sorry.. I just.. Kensi, I just want you to take it easier on me, and since that day a few months ago, I just feel attacked, and maybe slightly abused of..."

Her eyes instantly water and she walks to him, putting a hand on his shoulder and the other on his cheek, "I'm so, so sorry."

"It's fine."

"No, Deeks, it's not. I didn't even say I'm sorry that day, you were going through something I just got pissed and I hurt you!"

"It's over, and if you stop, we won't be Kensi n' Deeks... we'd just be... Kensi," Deeks makes hand gestures, "And Deeks."

She chuckles, letting her hands go to his chest, "Okay, just no more face contact. Got it."

"Okay.... Movie?"

Kensi laughs, "Sure, anything that's on though, don't bother looking for a movie."


She fell asleep on his lap an hour into the movie.

She will never know what she does to me... Deeks thinks to himself.

"Mmm, stop staring." Kensi says, sitting up.

"I was not."

She looks at him in disbelief and laughs,"You so were... it was creepy."

"Okay..." He thinks for a second, "Is this creepy?" He leans in, putting his hand on her neck.

Lips almost closed in on hers, Kensi whispers, "No."

Their lips touch, moving in sync. She puts her hand on the back of his neck, pulling him closer. They pulled away after what seems like a lifetime.

"Kensi n' Deeks, huh?" She mutters.

"Oh, yeah."

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