I Choose You

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So my friend, Molly got all sappy on twitter, saying that she wants a densi wedding.. I mean who doesn't.. so it got my wheels turning, and I came up with this!

Anyways, enjoy!!!!

-Amanda xoox


Two months was all they could wait.

They planned it in a month, and they needed one more to settle everyhing.

They couldn't wait to the day that they'd finally be each other's.

Kensi Marie Blye-Deeks.

Kensi loves the sound of that.

She'd keep her last name for her father.

Let's not even mention Marty's excitement.

Marty. It'd be hard for her to drop the habit of calling him 'Deeks' any longer, but he said he didn't mind.

Kensi stood before a full-length mirror, looking at herself, in her wedding dress. It was a tea-length thing with laced sleeves, her hair in a bun and small, light blue flowers in her hair. "Oh honey," Her mother tears up, "You look beautiful."

"Don't cry, mom, or I will too." Kensi laughs.

There was a knock on the door, and it flew open with Hetty, Nell, Michelle, and Talia.. Yes. Talia, bursted in. Complements were thrown her way, and she accepted them with open arms, but all she could think about was what was ahead of her. Her future, with her Marty Deeks.

She was nervous.

Not cold feet, no, just the wedding vows. How would she express her love to him?

It's something they both showed with actions, even though Marty was better with words.


Martin Deeks.

He was more than ecstatic.

He wanted more than anything to see his beautiful bride, since Hetty didn't allow he and Kensi to see each other a day before the wedding because it was bad luck, and no one wants to disobey Hetty.

"Deeks," Callen says.

"Mmm." He hums.

"If you hurt her, I'll kill you." Callen smiles.

"We've had this talk. I know. I will never hurt her, Callen, I love her way too much. Plus, you'd be in the line, right behind her." Deeks laughs. They sat in front of a porch of the beach house they were staying in for the weekend of the wedding.

Deeks looks at the wall clock and jumps happily, "It's time!" and runs out the door.

Kensi started getting clammy whilst walking to the beach, where they would marry.

She looked at the paper between her fingers and sighed. He would love it, and understand what she's trying to get to him.. she hoped.

Sam walks over to her, "You ready?"

She loops her arm into his, since he would be giving her away, "As I'll ever be," and smiles up and the taller agent.

She wanted more than anything for her dad to be present, but she knew he was, somewhere.

The music played and they start walking down the aisle.

Deeks's jaw drops, and Kensi chuckles at his reaction, tears already forming in her eyes. Callen stood beside Deeks as best man. Nell, maid of honor, Michelle, and even Talia as bridesmaids. Eric, Granger, Hetty, and her mom all sat in the front row.

The preacher says his things, but Kensi and Deeks all but focused on him. They're lost in each others eyes, saying what words will never say. "And now, the vows." The preacher finally says.

Deeks takes a deep breath, "Kensi Marie Blye. Melissa, Tracy.. Fern," Everyone laughs, "You are the light of my life, you're one of the first people in my life to ever accept me, and understand me like no one else ever could, you made me feel like a real man, Kens. You're the person I tell everything to, and go to for any little thing, and I appreciate all you have ever done for me. I want more than anything to have little mutant ninja assassins with you, if you wish to... No one will ever make me smile more and laugh more than you ever will. You're my person. I vow to love you for all eternity, and give you one more reason to smile, and laugh every single day." He finishes with tears stinging his eyes, but Kensi was already a mess of tears.

"I have no idea how I could follow that," She laughs and sniffles, "Marty Deeks, the first time we met, I knew there was something, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Our thing. You're all I have ever wanted in someone. I was broken, but you fixed me." Her voice breaks, "When we finally took that step last year.. I couldn't've been happier.. I know that you love me, and all I want is for you to know that I love you more than anything or anyone has ever loved. I know it's cliché, but I see sparks flying around when you smile, when you kiss me, when you touch me, and it's all I crave. Every single step you take, will be one more you take with me. I vow to love you more than any living creature in this mad world.. I am the happiest woman on Earth because of you, and thanks to that I'm only thinking about my future with my partner." She finished, not a dry tear at that beach.

They place their rings on their fingers, still crying. "You may now kiss your bride." The preacher gestures to Deeks.

He pulls her close and places a small kiss to her lips, neither of them a fan of PDA, and walked to the hut they had set up for the reception dinner. Deeks couldn't keep off her, she was finally his, and he couldn't be happier.

They'd both agreed on a song for their first dance as a married couple.

I Choose You by Sara Barreilles.

He took her hand, held her close.

'Let the bough break, let it come down crashing
Let the sun fade out to a dark sky
I can't say I'd even notice it was absent
Cause I could live by the light in your eyes.' She rested her head on his chest and they moved faintly to the beat of the music. 'I'll unfold before you
What I've strung together
The very first words
Of a lifelong love letter'

"So, Fern.." Deeks says.

"Max.." She smiles up at him.

"Finally mine." He dips her, and lays a kiss on her lips.

"Finally yours." Kensi agrees, running her fingers through his hair.

Tell the world that we finally got it all right
I choose you
I will become yours and you will become mine,
I choose you, I choose you.

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