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Been in a groove lately with my writing pace, don't plan on screwing that up right now.

I've been thinking up possibilities for anything Densi, even in earlier seasons, things we don't have the pleasure of seeing on camera... Season X stuff..

So here's a little season 10 thing I thought up, inspired by my own experiences when someone I love is jeopardy.

Might be a two-parter.










Kensi wasn't one to be on her phone all of the time, so it's only natural that she would miss a couple of texts or calls once in a while... Especially when she's in a tough spot - a spot in which she didn't want to be in. Not now, not ever.

Her phone had two missed calls, and a voicemail, all from him. The time stamp on the calls and voicemail were a little before he had decided to join the team on the mission... His last mission. After their fight the day before, Kensi hadn't given her phone a second glance, not until she was sitting in a hospital waiting room doing exactly what the room's name described - waiting.

She refused to listen the voicemail until she knew that he would be okay. That he wouldn't die with the thought of her not wanting to have children with him, because that wasn't the case at all. She wanted to do it all with him, but he expected her to just drop everything. Sure, she wanted it, but she loves her job.

The thought of waking up bloody in a car that had exploded and almost being captured, but left for dead was taunting. All she could remember was waking up with his hand in hers as his body lay unconscious in what had been the passenger's seat. He was still warm, thankfully.

Deeks's belongings were sprawled on her lap. His wallet held a picture of both of them during a Christmas party at Sam's place a year or two before. Michelle had made them kiss below the mistletoe because it would make for a good Christmas memory. She smiled a bit at this.

A bit of time passed, and it wasn't until she felt the couch in the waiting room dip next to her, did she realize that she was leaning over her knees, her head clutched in her hands, and tears were flowing down her face. She quickly wiped them off and turned her attention to Sam.

"He's going to be okay, Kensi. He pulled through twice before, he can sure as hell do it again."

Kensi swallowed, "What if he doesn't? And he dies with the thought of- Nevermind."

"Thought of what?"

She hesitated, "The thought of me putting our job before our relationship."

Sam sighed, knowing what she meant, "Kensi, do you love this job more than you love him?"

"I don't know."

"Okay, now answer that truthfully for me."


"Then he knows that. He may be blonde, but he ain't stupid." Sam said, a small smile playing on his lips.

Kensi sighed tearfully, "I just want him to be okay."

"He'll pull through." Sam reassured, "Now why don't you listen to that voicemail."

Kensi's head snapped toward Sam, "What? How did you-"

"Your screen's awake." He chuckled, pointing at the phone that was now on the floor.

"Right." She chuckled.

"Do it alone." Sam said, patting her back and getting up, "I'll be in the cafeteria with G if you need me."

"Wait, uh.." She stopped him, "Have you heard from Roberta?"

"She'll be here as soon as she can. That's what she told Hetty over the phone." Sam nodded and left.

Kensi watched her close friend and colleague walk away from the waiting room. Kensi picked her phone up from the ground and looked around to see if the waiting room was vacant, but she decided to run to the bathroom to listen to the voicemail. After she made sure the whole restroom was vacant, she pulled out her phone, scrolled through it, and found the voicemail.

She hesitated for a couple of seconds, took a shaky breath, and pressed play.

"I love you. I love you, Kensi. Everything I said - I take it back. I'm so so sorry. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I can't risk losing you for stupid, selfish reasons. If what you really want is to work until you're ready to settle down, that's what we'll do. I, uh, I really want you to be happy and I want us to walk into a new life together with no regrets, and I know that you love what you do, which is why I want to join you on my last mission... be your partner one last time. I want to see you save this kid and see the sparkle in your eye when you do it. Just... I love you, baby, you're.. you're the only person I'm sure I love... and, uh, hope you can forgive me. Bye."

Kensi was barely able to keep herself up, so she slid down the wall behind her as she clutched her phone to her chest, and sobbed until she ran out of tears. A couple of minutes passed when she had decided to get up and splash cold water in her face. She looked at herself in the mirror and said to herself, "You better get through this, Deeks." And exited the bathroom.










"Family of Martin Deeks?"

Kensi practically bolted out of the chair, "I-I'm his fiancée."

The doctor nodded, "He's stable and awake. He's suffered a minor spinal trauma, but it's nothing  a week's therapy won't fix."

"Can I see him?"

"I should warn you, Miss..."


"I should warn you, Miss Blye... He also suffered head trauma. He's slightly disoriented and didn't seem to remember key details about what caused the trauma or some people in his life."

"So, you're saying that he might not remember me?"

"It's possible, and should be temporary. Come with me." The doctor replied, starting for the hallway.

Kensi followed the doctor to his room. It was all a blur. One minute they were in the waiting room, and two seconds later, the doctor was opening the door to Deeks's room.

"Fern!" His eyes lit up.

Kensi smiled, tears running down her face. She ran up to him and put her hand on his cheek, "Deeks, oh my God."

"Didn't think you'd be this happy to see me, partner. Finally opened your eyes?"

Partner? Finally opened her eyes?

"What year is it, Deeks?" Kensi asked, more tears clouding her vision.

"Twenty Ten?"

Kensi's left hand lifted to cover her mouth and prevent a sob from coming out of it.

"Oh, you're engaged..." He said sadly, "Damn...How long was I out?"


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