Awkward Encounters

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I feel so good doing this

like, coming back to wattpad

and writing...

And a massive thank you to those of you still reading, no one reads these anymore because i went dark for a while, and it means a lot that you guys are reading it and not putting what i write to waste.

But anywhore, this takes place before they're together, let's say season 2

It's short, but sweet.

Like ME :))













Deeks: Listen

Deeks: I have to swing by later

Deeks: I think I left my wallet on your couch

Kensi: Uh, yeah. It was in between the couch cushions.

Kensi: I put it on my dresser. You can come whenever. You know where the spare key is.

Deeks: Cool. Thanks, princess.

Kensi: God, I hate when you call me that.

Deeks: That's a lie and we both know it.

Deeks smirked as he sent the text. He might as well go grab his wallet now, he had nothing better to do other than stare at Monty all day, so he shrugged on his hoodie due to the rain, grabbed his keys, and started for Kensi's place.

One of the reasons why he loves teasing Kensi is basically because she gets angry easily, and God knows how much he loves seeing her angry. Her nostrils flare, her face gets red, her eyes become slightly more glossy than usual, and if he's lucky, she even curses him out in Spanish or Portuguese, or some form of Latin.

Time during the ride to her house went by surprisingly quickly due to his mind being occupied by her cuteness when she's angry. Deeks ruffled his blonde locks and pulled his phone out of his pocket, shooting her a quick text.

Deeks: I'm here.

Deeks: I'm coming in. I hope you're decent

Deeks: Wait, no, I take that back. I hope your indecent ;)

He looked at the front door before exiting his car; she was probably napping. Deeks knocked once and heard nothing, so he just bent down to retrieve the spare key from one of the lose tiles by the front door, and he quickly unlocked the door and stepped inside.

"Kens?" Deeks called out over the techno music that was blaring when he was inside.

He knitted his brows together and walked further into her house, "Princess?"

Deeks shrugged and grabbed a pen and paper and sloppily scribbled the words 'got my wallet, call me later. D.' Then, he walked to her room, set the note on her dresser, and took his wallet. Once he turned around, he was met with a Kensalina wearing nothing but a towel, pointing her gun at the back of his head.

"Woah there, princess, I know you wanted to put me out of my misery, but I thought it'd be under different circumstances." He said with an amused look on his face, pulling down his hoodie and putting his hands behind his head jokingly.

Kensi put her gun down, "Ass. I didn't recognize you with your hoodie on, and I didn't hear you come in."

"It's rainy, and I did text you about how I was here." Deeks reasoned, looking at her legs, "You should, uh, show those off more."

"You're a pervert."

"I'm a pervert?"

"Yes, you're a pervert."

Deeks snorted, "Why haven't you put any clothes on, then? Want to provoke me?"

Kensi opened her mouth to defend herself, then closed it, pushed passed him, and muttered, "I hate you."

"You don't hate me!"

"Right now I do, ass hat!" She yelled as she closed the door to her room. Deeks sat on her couch for a couple of minutes while she was done getting dressed.

"Why are you still here?" She asked when she was done.

"I can leave." Deeks said pointing at the door.

"No!" Kensi said a little to quickly, "I mean, no, don't leave, I have nothing to do anyway and dogging on you seems like the perfect pass-time."

"Dogging on me? That sounds perfect." Deeks grinned cheekily.

Kensi rolled her eyes, "You know what I mean."

"Mhm, I do."

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