Nothing Will Change That, Kens.

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Guess what?

I might make this a two or three shot!! I started this due to one of the spoilers Eric mentioned about Deeks going to LAPD again, and I kind of, sort of watched Spoils of War this morning..

cAn YOu hEar mY sObs?

New Years is coming up, which means...

More Cannon-Densi for us!

Enjoy Part One! (It's going to be pretty long.. 5SOS & One Direction inspire me lol)

-Amanda xoox


It's early, Saturday morning in the bullpen, and everyone but Deeks has made an appearance, this worries Kensi.

"Guys, have you seen Deeks? He hasn't stayed over at my place this week... or called for that matter." Kensi scratches her head, still feeling weirded out by talking about her relationship with Deeks to the team.

"Maybe he ran away from your hoarding?" Callen suggests, earning a pat on the back from Sam.

"Ha ha, very funny." Kensi rolls her eyes and sits on her desk.

"I believe Mister Deeks has been called over to the LAPD to do some undercover work, since he's missed out on most ops for working with us, Miss Blye." Hetty pops up.

"Why didn't he tell me?"

"Lieutenant Bates placed a called over to me a few moments ago letting me know, not wanting to disturb our work duties this last week as he said."

"How long will he be away?" Sam jumps in.

"Bates says that it will last approximately six weeks." Hetty averts Kensi's gaze.

Callen, Kensi, and Sam share a look, "What?"

"But don't we have more authority over them? I mean, Hetty, there has to be something you can-" Kensi starts.

"Miss Blye, I've already tried my best, but Mister Deeks is under LAPD until he signs those forms."

"Forms? What forms?" Callen asks the question in everyone's heads.

"That, Mister Callen, is something to be discussed with Mister Deeks when the time comes."

The hair on the back of Kensi's neck stand up, and she checks her phone to check if any calls from him were missed. Nothing.

Suddenly Eric frantically calls over and Sam chuckles, "What? No whistle?"

"It's Deeks." Eric says, rushing back into OPS.

Kensi is the first up, climbing up the steps to OPS in double time.

"What's going on?" Kensi asks with a shaky voice.

Nell looks at Kensi pitifully, "As of six in the morning, Detective Marty Deeks has been missing."

Kensi feels like she's going to collapse, so she grips Nell's desk hard, at the point where her knuckles turn white. Sam and Callen look at each other, having gone through this same thing with Kensi a little less than a year ago.

"Have you guys tried tracking him?" Sam asks, trying to keep his cool.

"Yes, with no luck, he wasn't allowed to bring his phone or any personal items for his cover. His phone is at his house." Eric says, adjusting his glasses.

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