Are We Good?

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I'm probably annoying you all with all of this season 9 finale content

but my mind isn't letting me stop

so deal with it

jk, yall can totally tell me if you're sick of it, please do !


this one's pretty short.












It's been a week since they've been at the hospital, a week since Kensi had spoken to Deeks and vice-versa. Kensi was currently watching some old television show as she lay on her hospital bed fiddling with her engagement ring as she tried to ignore the itchiness of the cast covering half of her leg. There was a sudden knock on her door. Her eyebrows knitted together... Her mom had visited earlier, who could it be?

"Uh, come in?"

"Kens." Deeks said, as he rolled in with a wheel chair.

Kensi's breath caught in her throat, and the fiddling with her engagement ring abruptly stopped. She felt anger bubble up within her. And she had so many things she wanted to say, but she stood quiet.

"Are you okay?"

"Tibia injury, have to be in a cast for I-don't-know-how-many-weeks," She almost whispered, "You?"

Deeks breathed in sharply through his nose, "I, uh, need physical therapy, to-to get my legs working again."

"Will they, um.." She asked, not knowing how to word the question.

"That's what they're expecting. That they'll, uh, work normally, or at least relatively normally." He nodded, trying to figure out what else to say for the sake of pushing away the awkwardness in the room.

Kensi nodded, tears stinging her eyes as silence came upon them. He'll be fine, right? He ways pulls through.

She wanted to ask if he meant everything he said during their fight, if he meant what she thought and understood he said. She wanted to get out of this bed and kiss him all over and tell him everything would be okay with their injuries and with them and then everything would be good in the world again.

Deeks said, "I didn't-," just as she had started asking, "Did you-"

"You first." Kensi said, "Please."

"I didn't mean what you thought I meant."

"And what did you mean, Deeks?" She asked, feeling the anger bubble up again.

Deeks wheeled himself closer to her bed, struggling to move because of the IV line getting in his way, "I didn't mean I'd leave you. I would never leave you for not wanting to have a kid. I-"

"I never said I didn't want a kid."

"You-You didn't have to say it for-"

"For you to assume what I meant?"

Deeks cocked his head, "Look who's talking."

"We're talking about you right now." Kensi fired back.

Deeks's nose scrunched up for a moment, "Tou-fucking-ché"

Kensi flashed him a sarcastic, toothless smile, "Please, continue."

"I just meant that we needed to rethink our plan. Take some time away from the whole wedding business for a minute."

Kensi physically relaxed, "You never planned on-"


"You wouldn't-"

"Never." Deeks replied, beads of sweat on his temple, "Your turn."

"I do want to have kids and start a life already, but I-"

"Y-you're not sure if you want to leave your job? Got it."

Kensi nodded, "So pause on the wedding planning?"

"I think that would be best, yeah."

She nodded again and outstretched her hand to give him back the ring, but he shook his head, "I didn't say pause the engagement. I-I mean, uh, if that's what you want then-"

"No. It's not what I want." She said, snapping her hand back and sliding the ring onto her finger.

"Good, because it's not what I want either." He said, "Are we good?"

"I don't know," She looked at their entwined hands, "You tell me."

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