Speak Now

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So this one was posted on my instagram a while back, so its pre-cannon Densi!

This is a song-shot with "Speak Now" by Taylor Swift.. if you guys like this one, I can take song requests for other song-shots in the future!!


-Amanda xx


I am not the kind of girl
Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion
But you are not the kind of boy
Who should be marrying the wrong girl

Kensi woke up on her couch, slightly depressed, on the day of Deeks's wedding. If only they'd cleared their thing up..

"Do you want me to make breakfast, Kens?" Nell sighs, depressed herself, since Eric has a date for the wedding.

"Not quite hungry, Nell."

"Just because she didn't invite you doesn't mean you can't barge in." Nell gave Kensi a kiss on the cheek, and left her house from a night of movies and slumber of besties.

Deeks's soon to be wife, Talia Del Campo, denied his request of inviting his best friend to the wedding. Kensi didn't want to go, but she was. She had to get something done.

She made herself stand, made coffee, had ten o'clock shots of whiskey to make sure she did what she wanted to do, got dressed in a fancy dress and heels, and headed out the door, since the wedding starts at eleven.


I sneak in and see your friends
And her snotty little family all dressed in pastel
And she is yelling at a bridesmaid
Somewhere back inside a room
Wearing a gown shaped like a pastry

As soon as Kensi got there, she was behind some curtains, making her way through the church, since Talia also didn't allow the wedding to be at the beach like he's always wanted. She was suppressing a laugh, looking at the family Deeks would have to put up with for the next miserable years of his life. They were all frantically running like chickens without heads, looking for make up.

This is surely not what you thought it would be
I lose myself in a daydream
Where I stand and say,
Don’t say "Yes", run away now
I’ll meet you when you’re out of the church at the back door
Don’t wait or say a single vow
You need to hear me out
And they said, "Speak now"

Still hidden behind the curtains, she sees Deeks walking to the altar, in his tux, looking as dashing as ever, and thankfully not looking her way. She sees Nell  run to the back of the church where Kensi is hidden.

"Sit down, you'll raise suspicion." Nell whisper-shouts.

"Shh, go, I have a plan." Kensi says, still a bit tipsy from the shots.

Nell sighs, "Okay, be careful.."

"Don't worry about Eric, he probably just did it because he wanted to make you jealous."

"Yeah..." Nell walks away.

Fond gestures are exchanged
And the organ starts to play
A song that sounds like a death march
And I am hiding in the curtains
It seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be

Kensi notices how much he wants her to be at that altar with him. She sighs repeating the words she would say to stry and stop the wedding to herself.

I hear the preacher say, "Speak now or forever hold your peace"
There’s the silence, there’s my last chance.
I stand up with shaky hands, all eyes on me.
Horrified looks from everyone in the room
But I'm only looking at you.

She silently curses at herself for being stupid enough to do this, but she is,  no turning back.

I am not the kind of girl
who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion
but you are not the kind of boy, who should be marrying the wrong girl.

"Look, Deeks, I realize you may or may not be in real love with this bitch of a girl you're planning to marry, and it's not my duty to stop it, but I love you, just wanted you to know, right before you start off a new life. I hope you have a wonderful marriage, and a happy life, just remember to keep in touch, kay?" Kensi sighs, not looking at him, hearing a snort coming from the team, and walks out of the church, takes a sheet of paper out of her purse that says, "Resignation" in neat writing. She goes to her car, starts it and rides to OSP with the radio blaring.

So, don’t say "Yes", run away now,
I’ll meet you when you’re out of the church at the back door.
Don’t wait or say a single vow,
You need to hear me out,
And they said, "Speak now".

By the time she gets to OSP, she sees Deeks car with tin cans and sign that says 'Just Hitched' on the bumper. She sighs, knowing what may come, steps out of the car and goes to Hetty's empty desk, leaves the envelope, and places it on her desk.

Kensi goes to the locker room, looks for jeans, a tee shirt, and her back up boots, changes, throws the dress into the burner, and goes to the gym, and took out all her anger, sadness and sorrow on the punching bag, taking small breaks to take swigs of alcohol from flasks in her bag, with her mascara running from the tears.

Her phone beeps, she knows who it is, but she reads it anyway, and it says, 'Don't kill the bag now, Fern.' She throws her Nokia Lumina phone across the room and when she hears it crack, and sees it pop open, she smiles and proceeds to punching the bag, and taking swigs. "Kens." Deeks says.

"What?" She snaps.

"I love you, too."

She stops, takes another swig from the flask, "Then why the hell did you propose to that bitch excuse for an agent?"

"That's enough of that," Deeks tries taking the whiskey from her hand, but she slapped it and sobbed harder, "Kens —"

"Shut up, Deeks. You said your vows, you're married, congratulations, just don't rub it in my face, dammit!" She pushes him on the shoulder, hard.

Kensi sinks to her knees and sobs, taking yet more swigs.

"I left."

She looks up and sniffles, "Y-you what?"

"I didn't get married."

"Why?" She whispers.

"Because I don't love her," He sits in front of her, "It was an arranged marriage, she told her parents about me. I couldn't get out of it."

"You sh-should've told me something..."

"I love you, Kens. I didn't mean to hurt you."

She punches him, "Well, you did."

Deeks rubs his arm, and places a kiss to her lips, "I'm sorry."

"And what's this I hear about a resignation?" Deeks asks, pulling away after what feels like an eternity.

"If you got married, I couldn't bare to see you again." She whispers.

He takes the letter out of his pocket, "Oh, well," Deeks breaks her letter.

She laughs, "Okay."

"Okay." Deeks chuckles.

Just then the team enters with a bouquet of flowers, Nell and Eric holding hands, and Hetty smiling a mile wide.

"You should've seen Talia, she was doing this little dance in place, she looked like she was having some sort of seizure." Callen laughs.

"Kind of like you and your running man." Sam says, and everyone laughs.

"So, no resignation, Ms. Blye?" Hetty asks.

Kensi sniffles, and shakes her head, "No, not for a while."

Deeks takes her hand and smiles, "I love you."

"I love you, too, Deeks." Kensi smiles and lays a kiss on his lips.

And you’ll say "Let’s run away now,
I’ll meet you when I’m out of my tux at the back door.
Baby, I didn’t say my vows,
So glad you were around
When they said, "Speak now".

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