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"I just don't get it." Kensi laughs, throwing herself on his couch.

"What? Like can do any better.." Deeks jokingly scoffs.

Kensi dramatically gasps, "What? You doubt my skills?"

"I don't doubt them, Princess, I just happen to know that you can't do it."

"Tell you what," Kensi stands up, pointing at him, "I will make you the most amazing home-cooked dinner in the history of dinner dates."

"Ohoho, I gotta see this." He laughs.

"Nope, no, you're going to sit your sorry little ass on that couch and wait for me to woo you into submission." Kensi says, and immediately regrets it.

"Woo me into submission." Deeks nods, and sits down to look at her, with a goofy look on his face.

"I meant with the food, Deeks." She says warningly.

"Of course you did." He chuckles, "Go burn the kitchen. I love you so much, that I won't hold it against you."

Kensi rolls her eyes, "I will not burn down your kitchen."

"Okay, prove it," Deeks stands up, slaps her butt, and walks into the bathroom, "I'm going to shower. You can join me if you want to back out of this stupid little challenge, and just order in."

"Nope, I'm sticking to this, you- you just watch how-how amazing this is going to be-," Kensi bites her lip, and says to herself, "I should stop talking."

"Yeah, you should." Deeks yells from the bathroom.

"Would you- Ugh, shut up!" Kensi laughs, walking into the bedroom quietly, and pulling a brown bag out of an empty basket Deeks leaves in his room, and quickly walking to the kitchen. She threw everything into a pan, and turned the stove on. She then proceeded in throwing away all of the remaining evidence.

She walks over to the bathroom, and asks, "You almost done in there?"

"Almost," He says, then his voice turns smug, "Why, you've given up and want to join?"

"I hope you can feel me rolling my eyes, because I am. I'm rolling them at your negativity."

"Go away, tend to your food, I don't tolerate burned food." Deeks jokes.

"I won't burn- You know what? I'm not talking to you right now. You are going to regret doubting me."

"I'm sure I will." He peeps his head through the shower curtain momentarily, laughing."

Kensi walks out, plating on the food that is heating up on the stove, and placing it on the table.

"The room actually isn't in flames. I'm very proud." Deeks chuckles, sitting on a chair in front of the table.

"Shut up and eat." Kensi glares jokingly, sitting at the table as well.

Deeks furrows his eyebrows, "This, uh, tastes familiar."

"What? Hmm?" Kensi chews, "Familiar? Hmm."

"Yeah," Deeks squints, "familiar."

Kensi clears her throat, "It's just, um, pasta and scallions."



"I don't own scallions." Deeks smirks.

"Uh, yeah, you do," Kensi stutters, "I found them in the-the fridge."

"Yeah, right, okay, Kens. I'll be back." Deeks stands up, walking to the trash can, and picking out the brown bag.

"I can explain." She purses her lips.

"Can you just admit that we just cheated our way into cooking? Just to impress each other?" He pulls her in by the waist.

"Fine." She sighs.

"Look at the upside," He smiles, "I have an excuse to take you out."

Kensi smiles, and kisses him, "You don't need an excuse."

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