That Jacket

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I'm currently short of wifi atm, so this one might be short lol

I haven't died, it's just my wifi is being a bitch hakdkdkskkds.

I watched Descent & Ascension today & well this happened lol.


-Amanda xx


He sat on his bed, clutching the sheets, sobbing at eight at night when she found him.

He'd been cleaning out his closet because he knew there were clothing items he wouldn't use again. Suddenly he saw a dark green jacket. A jacket that brings back way too many memories. Memories he would much rather forget for good. As soon as his eyes had set on the clothing item, still blood stained, he stumbled onto his bed, and began shaking. His body racked in sobs. Flashbacks of the autobody shop. The drilling noise. The sight of Sam being electrocuted severely. His head pounding. The feeling of blood rushing down his cheeks. His mouth throbbing.

"Deeks?" Kensi calls, shutting the door behind her.

The silence made her reach for her gun and pull it out, "Deeks?" She calls again, before she sees him, there on the bed, violently shaking.

"Babe." Kensi mutters, placing her gun on his nightstand, and walking over to him.

Deeks continues shaking, and hiccuping due to the sobs.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Kensi wipes the sweat off his forehead, and the tears off his cheeks.

His breathing slowed at her touch, and he bit his lip before saying, "I f-found t-the jack- the jacket."

Kensi furrows her eyesbrows, and looks around, "What? What ja-" Her eyes stop at the sight of it.

"Deeks, why do you still have it?" Kensi asks.

"I don't- I don't know. I, uh, d-didn't even know it was there." Deeks sighs.

"Are you okay?" Kensi strokes his face.

He shakes his head, and stays silent.

"Babe, you have to talk to me. What's wrong?"

"It just- it all came back. All of it, Kens. I can practically taste the pool of blood flowing into m-my mouth. My face; it hurts. Everything hurts. Everything." His eyes boarder up with tears.

She just stays quiet, her own tears threatening to spill over, and waits for him to continue.

"I-I can still remember Sam's face. The way that I felt. Kensi, it was awful. It was awful. It all came back, and now I'm just afraid again."

"Deeks, you're okay. You're here. I'm here. All of it has passed, and-and hopefully none of it will repeat itself," Kensi says, her voice cracking.

The crying stops from his part, but tears are streaming down her face now, and he puts his arms around her torso, and pulls her to his chest, sniffling, "Are you okay?"

Kensi takes a shaky breath, "I just don't like seeing you like this... seeing you broken."

"We all have to break once in a while..." Deeks mutters, chuckling dryly.

She chuckles, "It's becoming way too frequent for us... it's not normal."

Deeks pulls away from the hug for a moment, and pauses dramatically, "When exactly have we ever been normal?"

"I love you.. so, so much." Kensi wipes her tears, and kisses him.

"I love you, too, Kens," He says, "We're good, you know that, right?"

"We're good."

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