Call 9-1-1

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Hello !

I have nothing much to say about this one














"Your mom is going to kill you." Deeks panicked, "Monty, I'm going to kill you! This is the end of sex as we know it."

Monty just cocked his head and barked. Deeks huffed, "You say that now, wait until she-"

"Hi, I'm back. The girls were getting wild and I just left without a second thought." Kensi shouted with the slam of the door, "What are we doing for dinner?"

Deeks's eyes widened and hid the bitten-into bra behind his back, "Hey, girlfriend."

Kensi stopped at the kitchen where he was standing with her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, "Did you just call me girlfriend? What are we? In junior high?"

"It rolls off the tongue." Deeks smiled nervously, folding the bra behind his back and shoving it into his pocket.

"What are you doing alone in the kitchen?" Kensi set her bag on the countertop.

"I-I'm not alone, I'm with Monty." He said, and as if on cue, Monty barked.

Kensi squinted her eyes, and walked closer to her fiancée to press a kiss to his lips, "Are you okay there, Deeks?"

"Never better," He responded way too quickly, "So, uh, dinner?"

"You're hiding something." Kensi said, and grabbed his butt, feeling for what he was hiding.

"I-wow, if you want to get frisky, you could've just said-"

"Why is my bra torn apart and hidden in your pants pocket?" She asked, trying to remain calm.

"Well, you see, I miss you oftentimes, and I use your.. your bras to, uh, to cope with the, the distance." He fished for an excuse.

Kensi examined her broken bra with a look of dismay on her face, "This was my favorite bra."

"It's, uh, still wearable."

"Really, Deeks? Wearable?" She pulled it up to his face, and as if to further explain her point, one of the straps detached from the cup.


"Deeks," She asked, leaning on the counter, "Did Monty do this?"

"No, no, all me." He replied.

"You're an idiot." Kensi chuckled, shaking her head, "But you're my idiot and I love you."

Deeks made a face, "That went better than I expected. "

"What did you expect?" She chuckled.

"Well, Monty expected you to kick him out on his doggy ass."

"And you?"

"That you'd kick me out on my doggy ass."

"Again, idiot." She laughed, pressing another kiss to him lips. "I want to make dinner."


"I want to cook dinner."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"The girls and I took a cooking class while we were out, come on."

"Yet when my mom offered to teach you..."

"Deeks, come on." Kensi said, "Your mom still intimidates me."

"Intimidates? You? That's hilarious."

"To be fair, I didn't know that's what Tiffany suggested to do."

"Of course Tiffany suggested it."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Tiffany's the leader of that group, Kensalina. I don't make the rules."

Kensi rolled her eyes, "Just let me make dinner."

"Depends on what you're going to make." Deeks sighed, holding onto her waist.

"Some form of pasta."

"I don't trust some form of pasta."


"Fine." Deeks gave in, "But if you kill me, no more kitchen for you."

"I won't kill you, drama queen." Kensi rolled her eyes, "Now take a seat and watch magic happen."

"Magic, she says." He mutters.

"What was that?"

"I said, 'magic, pizazz'," He smiled.

"Yeah, okay." Kensi shook her head.










After an hour of Deeks watching Kensi screw up the pasta, he knew he was done for. She over-boiled the pasta, which, in turn, will make it mushy, she burned the sauce and said that the burn adds flavor.

"I'm scared for my life." Deeks said, sitting at the dinner table, waiting to be served.

"Don't be such a drama queen."

"I wouldn't be a drama queen if I didn't know your domestic abilities."

Kensi walked into the dinning room with two plates of mushy pasta and burned homemade marinara sauce, "It'll be good. At least I hope it'll be."

Deeks sighed, looking at the abomination on the plate, "Baby, you know I love you, right? And I know you love me too."

"Um, yeah?" Kensi said, taking a seat.

"In that case," Deeks said, sliding his cellphone to her, "I want you to start dialing nine-one-one while I'm taking a bite of this deliciousness that you lovingly prepared for me."

Kensi made a face, and he swallowed, "Uh, you know, just in case."

"Just, taste it." Kensi rolled her eyes.

Deeks sniffled, and tasted the pasta. And it tasted so amazingly disgusting, he was so close to spitting the mouthful out. He held his breath and swallowed quickly. Kensi, however, just spat the whole mouthful out.

"I'm ordering a pizza."

"Good call."

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