The Run And The First Day Of School

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I wake up at 5:00 to hear my alarm clock ringing. I think it took five times to hit it before it turned off but I was so tired that it might have been a few less. I look up at the ceiling realizing that I am in a completely new place than I am used to. I look around and see my clothes bag to the right side of me a few meters away. I walk over to the bag and pull out my sports bra and my long running pants. It takes me a few minutes to take off my pajamas, which usually consisted of lacy panties and a shirt. 

I look in the mirror as I put my hair up and look at my body. I was never the skinniest person in class and I was never in the biggest, though I was close. At 165 cm, 34D breasts, wide hips and thighs, I weighed around 65kg. It wasn't the worst, but if I didn't run every morning, I would definitely be as big as a balloon with the amount of junk food I ate. Tip-toeing down both sets of stairs and putting on my sneakers, I walked to the back doors and opened them with enough space to let me out. I saw a narrow path through the woods and decided that would be a good place to run.

I look around and put on my headphones and start playing my running music which usually consists of german, spanish, and american music put into one big long mix. Running through these thick woods felt nice, and made me feel at peace. There was so much forest for miles and miles that I am sure most of the houses in the town lived in the forest surrounded by trees with only paths to get to the main parts.

How does one not get lost in a place like this.

After a half hour, I see the sun come up through the woods lighting the path better for me. Since I am in a new environment, running at the crack of dawn, I carry a small knife in my running pants pocket to keep me safe. It is always good for a woman to carry weapons with her if she is alone. It is just good thinking. I see a little clearing with what I think is a small river, and run towards that.

I'll turn around as soon as I hit the river.

As I get closer to the clearing, I stop dead in my tracks. "Woah," seems to leave my mouth as I see a huge house, which definitely looks like a mansion with its size. There was also a bunch of other smaller houses near or around it, and a few farther down than that. It looked a little bit like a mini-mini- town.

"What are you doing here? This is private property," I hear from behind me, and as I turn around I look into the eyes of someone very much taller and wider than me. He looks around my age though and has jet black hair, and deep brown eyes. He is wearing a t-shirt and some basketball shorts. "I will not ask again. What are you doing here?," he said with dominance and power radiating off him.

"I am so sorry. I did not know. I am new in town, and live about three miles down that path and was just running and I'm so sorry, wait I already said that. Look, I will leave now, I did not see a sign so I am -,"

"Stop," he said as I was cut off.

"I'll get going then," I say and give him my best smile so he knows I'm not a threat. He looks deep into my eyes trying to see if I am one. I walk around him and put my headphones back in and start up running again, but when I turn around, the stranger is no longer there. I don't have time to question it and continue to run back home. My song ends and I wait a few seconds before a new one comes on. I suddenly hear a branch snap behind me and my blood runs cold. I shakily turn my head slightly but continue running only to see a big black wolf looking at me with deep red eyes.

"AHHHHHHHHHH," I scream at the top of my lungs and I start sprinting down the path closer to home. I hear the wolf's paws and its pants behind me as I continue sprinting for dear life. I see the house coming up and couldn't be more happy to see it in my life, but when I check to look behind me, I no longer hear running, but instead the wolf had stopped and was looking at me. It stared at me for a few more seconds before jumping over a bump and running into the forest. I run quickly to the back door, open it, and close it quickly. I look to the left to see my mother in the kitchen making coffee, and as soon as she looks at me, shock and worry covers her face.

"Ally, are you okay?," she asks, rushing over to me.

"I just saw a wolf!!," I say panicky at her.

"Well thank goddess you are okay. Yeah you might seem some wolves but actually they aren't supposed to be that dangerous to humans here since they are used to them," she says to me.

"Well this one had someone piss in their cheerios because it ran after me like I had killed its pups," I replied to her.

"Well you probably scared it from your running and maybe it didn't know your scent. Look outside. See, none outside," she says, forcing me to look. She continues. "Now get upstairs for a shower because you stink and it's your first day of school today."

"Oh also wake up your brother bitte," she says as I walk up the stairs.

I tiptoed into my brother's room and shouted "JAY WAKE UP" really loudly which made him jump out of his bed. I laugh and exit towards the bathroom when I hear a "FICK DICH," coming from his mouth.

After my shower, I walk upstairs to my room to find shea butter curling cream and shea butter lotion as well as my clothes for the day. I turned on the radio which at the moment played "Location" by Karol G. I decided on some denim pants, a black t-shirt crop top, some black boots, and my leather jacket. I look at the time and see it's already 7:00, so I grab my backpack and some basic school supplies and head downstairs. I see my brother up with clothes on, making himself some toast and taking out the orange juice from the fridge. I do the same think while also getting the peanut butter and jam out as well.

"Okay. So I have work from 8:00 - 16:00 and then I will go to the grocery store and buy stuff so we can have quesadillas tonight. You guys start school at 8:30 and end at 3:00 , but I checked and Ally, you can go to the cross country coach and talk to him since practice only started about a month ago. Jay, look out for the futbol coach during the day. Also, be good today, be nice to each other," my brother and I roll our eyes at that "and I will drop you guys off from school but you guys will have to walk home this afternoon," my mother says. "Okay," my brother and I reply with.

At around 7:30, we were done with breakfast and out the door. It only took a 20 minute drive to the school. As we got out of the car, and said goodbye to mom, we walked across the parking lot. From the right side of the school was a track with two futbol nets in the center.

"Hey, I think I found your futbol players," I say, tapping my brother since he was on his phone. "Thanks sis," he replies, taking off across the field. I keep walking across the parking lot and looking over at the field.

I guess the cheerleaders, futbol players, and cross country runners come early for practice.

I reach the main doors and head in. The building itself is quite beautiful with two floors with an outside staircase and one of the inside. In front of the building are 10 picnic tables and a lawn to sit and eat. Inside the school, there is one long hallway that in the front left leads to another hallway and in the back left also leads to another hallway. Then the two ends of those hallways were also made into another hallway. The building was shaped into a Square design but with the inside missing as it was filled with more benches and tables for lunch. I luckily found my way to the main office, and asked for my schedule and all that stuff. The lady who worked there was kind and gave me a bright yellow schedule.

"Okay, so you are only two weeks late so no worries, you can catch up on stuff. I placed you in most of your first classes. You are in the higher tier classes with your GPA, so you get a harder curriculum and classes," she says to me.

I take a look at my schedule. It wasn't awful. I had AP Physics, AP Calc, Government, Gym, Art, U.S. History, Spanish 4, German 3, and Science Fiction Literature.

She also hands me my locker number and combination as well as a planner for my work. I left the office after having received information on where my locker was, where the gym class was, and how the classrooms were numbered.

"Welcome to Cresthill High," she said.

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