Pack Training

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"Alright, since everyone is here, let's get started," Sky clears her throat as she steps above a tall rock.

"Hopefully you all have had the morning off and slept in but now it's time to wake your sleepy asses up and go exercise,"Sky laughs as she looks down at everyone.

"Before we start though, I would like to welcome my mate. Some of you have seen her around, others have heard of her, but now you can meet her. She will be joining us for practice today so GO EASY on her and treat her with the respect you would give to your future luna," Sky ended with a smile as she said "future luna". I blushed a little at the idea and grabbed the hand Sky held out for me to come up to her.

"Hello everyone. My name is Ally. Nice to meet you all," I say nervously but suck it up because I want them to like me. They all smiled and gleamed at me which made me feel a little better.

"Ok," Sky says as she claps her hands together to get the attention back, "let's do 3 laps around the forest here. DO NOT go near the borders, keep to the forest line around the main camp. After that, come back here for further instruction. Move out," Sky commanded, which still sounded hot. Hot memories of this morning were brought up in my mind and I couldn't help but blush a little more. Sky turns around to look at me.

"Okay, we are going to have some practice ourselves," Sky smirked, which surprised me because I did not think I would have to practice.

"I thought you were going to teach me," I asked.

"I am, but we also are going to train," Sky sirked further which started to scare me. I love to workout but I have a feeling werewolf training is much, much harder.

"Oh no," I say nervously and Sky gives out a small laugh.

"Cmon, put this sports bra on," Sky grabs something out of a bag.

"I forgot to get some stuff when we were leaving so I mind-linked a pack member to get it for us. You get a water bottle and some hand wraps as well as the sports bra," Sky said. I took off my shirt and quickly put on the sports bra not caring about Sky's lingering stare on my chest.

"Here," Sky motioned for my hand and showed me how to wrap my hands, luckily I followed and could do it for my other hand.

"Thanks," I blush lightly as Sky puts on some boxing gear.

"As we train, I'll teach you. This helps with multitasking and focusing," Sky smirks as she turns to face me. I stare and stick my tongue out at her.

I knew she was planning something.

"Aw cub," Sky says fakely, "Come here." I motion forward as Sky grabs me and pushes me against her. In a second, her lips are on mine making me forget all the hatred I have on this training.

"Come on, let's start," Sky tells me as she motions me to back up.

"Hit me," Sky says and I choke on a laugh but when I turn to look up at her, she looks completely serious. I throw a punch and she dodges to the side. I throw another right hook but this time it hits her gear.

"So, you already know every day we have training except for Sundays because we like to give people a day off. We are not complete monsters," Sky laughs as I go for another punch. This time I miss but she actually swings at me which I duck at.

"Everyone above 12 trains, but for alpha and beta children, usually by blood they are the next leaders, but if a beta, let's say, does not have children or even does have a hier, the future alpha can still pick who they want as their beta. But anyway, beta and alpha children start training at 10, if you are the heir, it's at the age of 8. That means around 1600 of our around 2000 population trains every day," Sky says as she dodges another one of my attacks.

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