Date Night Part 2

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"Here is your guy's food," I hear Ashley say as she places food in front of Sky and I.

"Thank you," I tell her as I stare at my food in awe. It looked delicious.

"No problem," I hear faintly from Ashley as she scurries off. I look to my right to see Sky with a triumphant smirk.

"Wolf or Fae, they know what an alpha is," I see Sky smirk as she starts to chew on a fry.

"When did you know you were gay or bi?," I ask as I take a sip of my shake.

"When I saw you," Sky says slowly and I think my heart stops beating and I cough on my drink.

Smooth. Real smooth.

"I'm serious. When my wolf told me you were my mate, I felt only a connection to you. Werewolves, before they find their mate, can date people but usually we like to save ourselves for our mate because it is supposed to be a private, special occasion. But I was brought up strictly to be a leader and dating wasn't on my mind a lot, so I didn't really care for people romantically. But that all changed when I met you," she ends with a big smile plastered on her face.

"Well, I'm glad," I smile back at her.

"I'm glad too," Sky says as she reaches for my hand. She looks down and starts talking again. "Look, umm, I'm sorry. I should have been a better mate in the beginning. And I know this is all new to you, but I swear I will protect you with my life. I promise. Umm, I got you something. Mika was telling me about something humans do," Sky says as she takes out a box. "It's a ring. A promise ring I think is what they call it. But I wanted us to have matching ones and I got it in spanish haha."

I look at the rings in awe. This was the most romantic thing anyone has everyone done for me. The rings were skinny and silver but on the outside, there was "mi amor" sketched into the ring.

"I - I - I love it," I stare at Sky with astonishment. "Thank you."

"Your welcome," Sky motions for my hand and I give it to her. She slips the ring on me and it fits snuggly. I grab the other and put it on her finger. I look at the ring for a minute more before I turn my attention back to my amazing food.

"What's your favorite color?," I ask Sky, and yes I know, it is out of nowhere, and Sky looks confused on why I asked.

"Dates are where you get to know people. I want to get to know more about you," I say between chewing food.

"Black, but my second favorite is deep blue. Yours?," Sky replies.

"Grey, but my second favorite is dark purple. I don't know why haha," I laugh off.

"What is your guy's history in the U.S. because Müller is german origin," I ask.

"Well, we came here about one hundred years ago. Right before the wars. There was already a pack living in America near us and we decided to remain allies. A few years later, the Alpha's Luna had gotten very very very sick and she died. And the alpha became insane. So with no heir to lead, they merged with us and we grew bigger which is why we have a diverse pack. Blake's coven though has been living here since Vikings came over long ago. They say they took refuge deeper into the land to protect themselves and hid from tribes around with magic. I guess it's true," Sky says while munching down on her burger. I take a sip of my chocolate milkshake then another bite of my burger.

"Thad so coo," I say while chewing my food. I swallow and mutter a "sorry" but I think Sky finds the whole thing humorous.

"Yeah my mom is uh, as you could probably tell, german which is how I got my last name, and well my dad, my mom says he was domincan which is how she learned spanish," I say to Sky.

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