Date Night Part 1

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Being back in school is definitely strange and totally regretted doing it as soon as Jay pulled into the parking lot. I could totally understand why everyone was staring at me last week, not just because I am new, but because they really don't get outsiders, especially humans I bet.

Seeing my lovely girlfriend definitely made me feel better though, especially when she pulled up next to our car on a motorcycle and took off her helmet and smiled at me.

"Hey," I say as I put a part of my hair behind my ear. Such a reflex I know.

"Hey," Sky replies back as she gets off her motorcycle. She and I both look at my brother with the face of "get the hell out of here, we want smut time". My brother rolls his eyes getting the message and walks towards the school. I see him meet up with Jason and Mika and Mika wraps her hand in his and kisses him on the cheek.

"You know Mika would never hurt him right?," Sky asks me and I turn towards her.

"I know," I say and give her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hey, before we go in, my pack knows about you so you might get more stares again but I told them to chill," she says as she takes my hands in hers.

"Oh, okay," I say.

"Let's go," Sky says as she grabs my arms and pushes me towards the school. As soon as we enter, a lot of people turn to look at us but turn their heads immediately back when Sky wraps her arm around me and throws out a low growl to everyone.

"It seems that Blake also told his crew," I say as we move forward towards class. Everyone in the middle of the hallway would move out of the way when we came down and I was very confused.

"They are trying to show respect, cub," I hear Sky say as she must have noticed my confused expression.

"Oh, they don't need to," I laugh it off.

"It is their duty to. Ignore them," Sky says as we end up at the front door to Spanish.

"Bye cub," I hear as Sky kisses my head and moves back down the hallways. I enter spanish and see Blake with a "help me" face and patting the seat next to him. I guess I will have to translate again.

The rest of the day passes by quickly and soon it's practice time. I met up with Mika and we did some stretches together before we started to run laps.

During our laps, she slowed down a little to run at my pace.

"Hey, Ally, I wanted to say I'm sorry. For not telling you about me and all that especially because I am dating your brother and all. And I like to think we are good friends," she says as we run around the track.

"I forgive you Mika. I think in the beginning, it just really scared me. And it made me scared for my brother because I thought something was going to happen to him. I think I definitely put you down in my book as a friend," I smile the last part back at her. I can tell she is happy to hear that.

"Sooooo, I hear you have a hot date tonight," Mika wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Yeah I do," I blush at the thought of tonight.

"Well, have fun," Mika says as she runs away faster this time so she can complete the exercise.

We finish up running and end with a stretch next to the track. I text Sky that I have to go home and change and get ready and to meet me at 18:30. I head over to the car and see Mika and Jay having a makeout session. I cough loudly. Very loudly. They whip their heads to me and blush deep when they see that they got caught.

"Well, well, well," I smirked as I caught them in the act.

"Jay has a girlfriend and is PUSSYWHIPPED," I scream the last part and run to the other side of the car and buckle into my seat. I can hear Mika laugh from outside and Jay grumbling annoyed. I hear a "bye handsome" from Mika and Jay enters the car.

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