Pack Picnic

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"Heyo," I hear from behind me.

"Hey Jason. How are you?," I ask. Jason pulls up his seat next to me and Kole follows. He's gotten nicer to me over time but is still cold. I think he's only nice to me because Jason is always near him but I have a feeling that if he wasn't, he wouldn't have to be so nice to me.

"Good, how are you?," Jason bites into his food.

"Fine. A little tired but what's new eh," I laugh. It has been a couple of weeks since Sky's and mine's first date and we were still taking things slow. There were no more late night visits which did make me sad but she made up for it with a thousand kisses during school.

"So, ready for the picnic today?," Jason smirks at me.

"No, I am actually very nervous about meeting your guy's parents. What if they don't like me?," I ask worriedly.

"Relax. They are fine. They won't hate you because they will love you. Look, they don't mind the gay mate thing ok, or Kole and I wouldn't be together. Also, human thing doesn't matter either so you are all good," Jay says to reassure me which makes me feel a little better. Jason lays back into Kole's chest and Kole kisses the top of his head.

Ah, young love.

These two together made me think about Sky and I and before I knew it, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me towards a hard chest.

"Hey beautiful," I smirk, kissing Sky's cheek.

"Hey," I hear, whispered in my ear followed by a quick kiss to my collarbone. I giggle and wrap my arms around Sky's hands. I lay back, close my eyes, and let the sun shine on my face.

"Your little mate is scared of our parents," I hear Jason laugh and I open my eyes and throw my apple at his face.

"Ow, hey," Jason growls as I lay back down and giggle to myself.

I hear Sky throw a protective growl towards Jason to watch it. He settles back down grumpily but smiles back up again when he sees Kole.

Haha. Me 1, Jason 0.

"There is no reason to be scared cub. They will love you," I hear Sky whisper in my ear and I turn around to face her.

"But what if they don't like me?," I ask worriedly.

"Then I guess I have to reject you and move on with my life," Sky says in a serious voice until I hear her break into laughter and I lightly shove her.

"That's not funny," I say angrily.

"Aw, I'm sorry cub. Look, even if they do not like you and that is a far if, you will still be my luna. I promise," Sky says as she pulls me close and hugs me. I wrap my arms around her like my life depended on it and stuff my face into her.


"Come on everybody, move it to class," I hear Mika laugh as she passes by us with Jay and her holding hands. Mika had finally told Jay about everything in this town and I have to admit, he was taking this way better than I did. We stayed up late talking about everything and I guess I helped him feel better about everything. He was definitely scared in the beginning and Mika felt very depressed but I talked him into meeting up with her. He obviously dragged me along but after 10 minutes or so, I decided I was hungry and went to get food.

He returned to school on Wednesday since Mika had told him last weekend when they went out for dinner. I knew he felt the bond and understood it more now because he would now constantly stick to Mika like glue and I had seen that mark he had tried to keep hidden on his neck. Mika's neck was filled with hickies, the human "fuck off person trying to hit on me that's not my mate" mark.

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