Full Moon

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"Tonight is a full moon and as a thank you to the moon goddess, we change and run in our wolf forms all night," Sky says as she grabs out a tank top and shorts from her closet.

"Wait, seriously?," I asked.

"Yeah. So I have to get you home before all the craziness comes out. Mai has been dying to meet you as well but we have time for that later," she continues as she puts the clothes in a bag.

"I-I-I want to stay and meet your wolf," I command to Sky, which she seems shocked over. I think more shocked over the fact that I want to meet her voice than me raising mine.

"Oh, okay. Um, well, uhhhh, you can stay but we have to go before the whole pack turns just to be safe," Sky says as she grabs my hand.

"Cmon, let's go," Sky says as she pushes me downstairs.

As we walk downstairs, we pass by Dana taking some food out of the oven in the first floor kitchen.

"Well hey guys, I'm bringing out the last batch of food before the moon rises. You want a bite. It's mini pizzas," she smiled and looked up at us.

"No, I'm good but thank you," I say and Sky follows with a nod.

"Bye mom," Sky says as we exit the front door.

"I want you in bed tomorrow morning, not out somewhere deep in the forest where it takes me 2 hours to find you," I hear Dana shout as we close the door.

We pass by Sky's motorcycle and her black lamborghini.

"Hey, ummm, where are we going?," I ask, pointing back to the car.

"We're walking. Once I change, Mai probably won't want to change back until sunrise so we have to walk," Sky laughs as she continues walking.

"So where are we walking to?," I ask again.

"There's a hidden lake, small and hidden throughout the trees. I'm actually surprised you didn't run near it. There's a trail that leads to your house. It's like a 30 minute run," Sky replies. She grabs my hand and pushes me through a small path off road.

The forest is so beautiful at this time and I would have definitely felt completely freaked if I didn't have a big werewolf next to me. Even her aura told the forest to not piss her off. I stood directly behind her every once in a while looking around the forest at night.

I have to admit that it definitely is getting darker and the thick trees around make everything scarier but I think Sky senses my fear sometimes and squeezes my hand to reassure me.

We end up walking for another 25 minutes or so before we enter into this huge clearing. Looking down, maybe 20 meters, was a beautiful lake, shining from the moon's reflection.

"Wow," I say gawking at the lake. "It's beautiful."

"Yeah it is," I hear Sky say but instead of looking at the lake, she's looking at me.

"You're so corny," I laugh as I lightly shove her.

"Want to go for a swim," Sky smirks. I suddenly feel like I regret coming on this trip.

"Come on. We can jump off this rock but let's put our stuff down more at the bottom," she says as she starts going down the side towards the grass.

"Okay," I reply as I follow her.

As she finds the right spot, she starts taking off her shoes. Next she takes off her shorts and her shirt. I turn around immediately as my face heats up.

"Woah, what are you doing?," I ask.

"Getting ready to go for a swim. Why, want to swim naked?," I could practically see Sky smirking behind me.

"No, but shouldn't there be some clothes on? Like I don't know. A shirt maybe," I say as I take a quick glance behind me to see what's happening.

"Yeah, I have a bra and my underwear left on," Sky laughs.

"Oh okay," I say as I grab my shirt and take it off. I glance over and see Sky look down which makes me smirk internally.

"See something you like?," I smirk at her.

"Always," she says as she starts walking back to the rocks. I take off my pants and start walking to the rocks as well.

Climbing up the rocks seemed to be more difficult since I was also bare foot this time but luckily Sky helped me up.

"You ready?," Sky asks as I look down.

"No-, AHHHHHHHH,"I scream as I fall. My body hits the lake with a heavy splash as I hit deeper depths of the water. I open my eyes under and I see dark blue all over. I pull myself up from the water and take in a new breath. I move to the side to look up at Sky.

"Fuck you," I shout back up as I see Sky laughing her ass off.

I move more to the side as Sky jumps off and lands with a heavy splash as well.

"Sky, Sky, where are you?," I start getting worried after twenty seconds and I still can't see her. The water is too dark and deep for me to see stuff below the water. All of a sudden, I feel myself being pulled up as Sky breathes for air with my legs wrapped around her hips. I feel kisses on my stomach as she tries to tickle my sides.

"Sky, stop, oh my god, stop please,"I laugh and plead to her but she doesn't stop until another few seconds.

I stop laughing and look down at her as she nudges her face between my two tits. I can't help but smile at her in front of me. I lean in for a kiss and grab her chin up to meet mine. I can't help but moan in her mouth as the sparks between us flare up again.

Sky grabs me tighter pulling our bodies completely crushed against each other as she lets go of my legs. We're now face to face again which is way easier to kiss.

"We should get *kiss* out soon *kiss* because I will *kiss* change soon," Sky says in between kisses.

"Ugh, fine. I guess we can go to the grass," I say, trying to act angry but I don't think I put up a great facade. We walk out of the lake and lay on the grass to dry off. Luckily Sky brought a picnic blanket and a normal blanket to cuddle up in. The lake makes it easy to see the starry night since there is such a big opening. We cuddle under the blanket to get warm since getting out of the water, the temperature dropped for our bodies.

"Hmmm, this is nice," I say as I move closer to Sky.

"Yeah, it is," Sky says as she positions me in front of her so I can lay on her.

The moon is up near its maximum peak for the night so once Sky gets fully dry, she puts all her clothes in the bag and walks behind the tree. I hear her taking off her bra and underwear and I curse at myself for my dirty thoughts.

"You ready?," I hear Sky ask from behind one of the trees.

"Yeah," I shout back at her.

In a matter of seconds I hear bones cracking and the paws of a wolf across the grass. I turn to look around as I see a full grown, black as night wolf with the deepest red eyes looking at me. I smile at it and it seems to smile back at me in its wolfish way.

"You must be Mai,"I say as I motion for her to come closer. She dives into my legs and sniffs all over my body.

"Hi," I reach out to pet behind her ears and her body.

"Is Sky still in there with you?," I ask and the wolf gives me a nod.

"Mai we haven't been formally introduced. My name is Ally," I say as I reach out my hand then roll my eyes at how stupid I am for trying to shake hands with a wolf. But, Mai reaches her paw out and shakes it with me.

I motion her forward more as I wrap a blanket around us yet she goes to sit on my legs and rest there. Once she's comfortable, I wrap us up like a burrito while I pet her back and run my hands through her fur since it was sooooooooo soft. We stayed under the stars for the night listening to some music I turned on and relaxing with each other. At some point over the night, I had fallen completely asleep in my t-shirt and underwear.

I jolted awake when I felt sunlight near my eyes. I was surprised to find myself in a new shirt and underwear on the bed in Sky's room with Sky's arms and legs wrapped around my body.

"Mornin," I hear a very tired Sky groan. 

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